With interest rates up, a lot of folks are rediscovering the joy of getting paid by the bank instead of vice versa. Thanks to high-yield investment accounts, folks are able to get a reasonable return on their saved money for the first time in decades. But even with high-yield investment accounts paying out as much as 5% annual interest, they’re far from the best way to generate income with your spare dollars and cents. So today I want to share three different ways you can generate more yield than even the best high-yield investment accounts…
Better Than the Best High-Yield Investment Accounts: Powering Progress
The first investment I’ve got for you that’ll pay a whole lot more than even the best high-yield investment accounts is a company that produces a fuel we’re trying to transition away from. So it might not sound like a great long-term investment. Unless you consider the fact that we’ve proven we still have a long way to go in our global transition to low-carbon and zero-carbon energy. And we’re going to need a lot of energy to make the progress we need to make in order to achieve those lofty goals. That’s where Alliance Resource Partners LP (NASDAQ: ARLP) comes into the picture.
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It’s a company with a long history of helping power the world toward progress. And it continues to do so to this day by supplying about 5% of the global market for coal. It’s the biggest coal producer in the eastern U.S. And its focus is thermal and metallurgical coal. Being located on the east coast gives ARLP access to deep-water ports to export its products around the world and railheads to transport it across the country as well. The company also pays investors to be a part of its growth and offers an 11% yield, putting those high-yield investment accounts to shame. Plus, if you add in the share price growth over the past year, you’ve got a 40% return on your money in 12 months’ time.
Better Than the Best High-Yield Investment Accounts: Royal Oil
The next investment I want to share that’s going to pay you more than the best high-yield investment accounts is another company unlocking energy from the Earth’s crust. But this one isn’t actually doing the unlocking itself. It just gets paid when said energy is unlocked. And then it shares those payments with its investors each and every quarter. I’m talking about Viper Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: VNOM)…
Viper got its start as a limited partnership much like ARPL, but its focus was oil and gas. And instead of trying to buy and develop oil fields itself, it partnered with other companies to profit from their hard work. You see, Viper owns what are known as royalty interests. These royalties ensure that Viper gets a share of the proceeds of any oil or gas produced on those properties. And it then shares those payments with investors. It’s currently paying a yield around 6%, but that could be about to jump, as the company reports earnings later this month. Add in the share price gains from the past year and you’ve got a 55% return that blows away any high-yield investment accounts.
Better Than the Best High-Yield Investment Accounts: Rocky Mountain High
Finally, we get to my third investment that’s way better than even the best high-yield investment accounts. And I’m betting you’re detecting a pattern. But if you’re not, you’re about to. Because this company is another one that’s involved in the traditional energy industry that’s going to carry us forward toward a new low-carbon future. Its name is Civitas Resources Inc. (NYSE: CIVI) and its focus is the rich oil fields of the Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado.
Civitas is the end result of a lot of consolidation in the oil industry that started back in 2020 when prices went negative for the first time in history. Smaller operations weren’t able to pay the bills and were selling themselves off for pennies on the dollar. Several of them combined to form Civitas and take advantage of the assets that were on sale. By 2022, the combined company owned 416 millions of proven reserves. And in 2023, it added to that stockpile by expanding operations into the lucrative Permian Basin, too. It’s paying investors about 6.5% per year, but, again, that could easily jump as oil prices rise. But even the current payout makes it a better choice than even the best high-yield investment accounts.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line here is that high-yield investment accounts are paying more than they have in years. But they still don’t pay as much as some of the best stock investments on the market. And when you add in the capital appreciation you get with stocks that you’ll never see in any high-yield investment accounts… You really start to see why these investments make far more sense (and cents) than high-yield investment accounts.
And if you’re interested in more ways to max out your income streams while also growing your wealth in the markets, then you need to check out my income-focused investment community, The Wealth Advisory. All three of the investments I just shared are stocks our members have been profiting from for some time. But there are a whole lot more (over 10 times more to be specific) waiting for you right inside.
And to sweeten an already sweet deal some more, I’ve got a special treat if you join us today… I’ll also include, completely free of charge, a detailed report on a way for regular investors to “reclaim” some of the money we all grudgingly pay to Uncle Sam every April. It’s probably our most popular income-building opportunity right now. And it’s part of your welcome gift when you become a member of The Wealth Advisory today.
I hope to see your name on my list when we send out next week’s update. But either way, I’ll be back soon, right here, with more great ways to maximize your earning potential. So stick around.
To your wealth,
Jason Williams
After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.
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