Angry Voters Ponder the Pitchforks

Brian Hicks

Posted September 1, 2009





It should come as no surprise that the more we encourage foolishness, the bigger the crew on the ship of fools becomes.

Yet, instead of recognizing the depths of our plight, it is always easier to kick the can down the road with the faint hope that some how, some way our problems will all just go away.

So we end up trusting the very same people that got us into this jam in the first place to save us with a bigger dose of more of the same. The funny thing is we expect different results.

Meanwhile, the problems pile up one on top the other until they push the boat to the breaking point.

When that happens,  moments of clarity usually aren’t that far behind, even for the biggest of fools.

So it’s not surprising that according to Rassmussen, 57% of voters would vote to replace the entire Congress.

Or that 42% of voters say that a group of people randomly selected from the phone book would do a better job than the current Congress.

So while the royalty in D.C. still thinks it is okay to spend us into oblivion and boss us all around, it’s good to see people stand up once in a while and give them the middle finger.

After all, the last time I checked, people have a right to be angry. And besides, it’s not all about healthcare either. Our problems go much deeper than that.


From the Wall Street Journal by Janet Adamy and Jonathan Weisman entitled: Health-Care Anger Has Deeper Roots

Recent town-hall uproars weren’t just about health care. They were also eruptions of concern that the government is taking on too much at once.

That suggests trouble for the president and his party, and fears of losses in next year’s midterm election are likely to shape the Democrats’ fall agenda.

At August’s town-hall meetings, voters often started with complaints about health care, only to shift to frustrations about all the other things President Barack Obama and the Democrats have done or tried to do since January. The $787 billion economic-stimulus package, the government-led rescue of General Motors Corp. and climate-change legislation all came in for criticism.

“A lot of the anxiety we face here has less to do with health care and everything to do with the overall state of the economy and government,” said Rep. Anthony Weiner, a New York Democrat.

“I have seen a level of dissatisfaction and even anger that I haven’t experienced in the years that I’ve been a member of Congress,” Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican, told an audience at a health-care meeting in Kansas City on Monday.

Although the election is still far off, political forecasters predict that Democrats could run into trouble in the 2010 midterm vote.

“What we’re seeing now, both in terms of numbers and the feel out there, this is how big waves feel early on,” said Charlie Cook, editor of the Cook Political Report.

August, typically a sleepy month, dealt Democrats a tough hand this year.

Snafus in the federal “cash for clunkers” program — which gave people rebates to trade in gas-guzzling cars for more fuel-efficient new vehicles — highlighted how disorganization can hamper government plans. It was the bloodiest month for U.S. troops so far in the war in Afghanistan. Attorney General Eric Holder poked a potential hornets’ nest by appointing a prosecutor to investigate Central Intelligence Agency interrogators. And White House budget forecasters said they now project $9 trillion of additional federal debt over the next decade, adding $2 trillion to an earlier estimate.

“What we’re seeing here is this larger debate about what the role of government is,” said William McInturff, a Republican pollster who conducts The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. “The health-care debate is at that fault line.”

Here’s an idea for you: why don’t we just throw these bums out….each and everyone them—-Republicans and Democrats alike.

As for how I feel about the government, this video I came across over the weekend just about sums it up.

It’s madness to give these people more power.


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