Apple + AI = $60 BILLION!

Jason Williams

Posted July 21, 2023

I don’t know if you noticed it earlier this week. It would have been easy to miss in the deluge of economic data and inflammatory headlines.

And it only lasted a few minutes…

But when Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) reported earnings this Wednesday, management said something that caused the stock to pop 2% almost immediately.

Apple AI Pop

And while a 2% jump doesn’t sound like much on the surface, once you realize that a 2% bounce for a company worth $3 TRILLION is a whopping $60 billion, it gets a little more interesting.

So what was it that the management at Apple said that caused investors to collectively lose their minds?

I’m sure you’ve already guessed, but I’ll tell you anyway…

Apple has been working on its own AI-powered chatbot to rival the likes of OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

And just the mention of those magic words in the earnings release and ensuing analyst call was enough to add $60 BILLION to Apples already massive market cap.

But the thing is, what Apple is getting ready to release is absolutely the same as ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, Microsoft’s Bing Chat, and all the other generative AI chatbots that have popped up over the last few months…

According to Apple’s own engineers, the chatbot, internally dubbed “Apple GPT,” is an imitation of ChatGPT and Bard and offers absolutely no new features.

And on top of that, the company’s having trouble figuring out how to incorporate it so customers can use it.

But the announcement alone was worth $60 billion to the collective market.

And that should have you thinking…

If something as unimaginative as Apple’s ChatGPT imitation can generate $60 billion of value in just a few minutes, how much would something truly revolutionary be able to generate in a few months’ time?

Well, you might just be about to find out the answer to that question, along with the rest of the world…

Because I’ve been researching the growing field of AI technology, and I’ve pinpointed a few companies that have developed truly revolutionary advancements.

And I’m convinced that just one of those companies could deliver earth-shattering 5,300% gains to well-positioned investors before all this is over.

More Than Just Talk

You see, AI is a whole lot more than just ChatGPT (or its imitations). AI has the ability to open a whole new world to us as a global society.

It can help us learn faster, work better, and live more fulfilling lives.

It’s already being used to streamline supply chains for critical products like medical supplies.

[Side note: I recently recommended a private company that’s already made well over $100 million doing just this to the members of my pre-IPO investment community, Main Street Ventures.]

It’s being used to help utility companies better manage their energy storage and distribution plans so that we’ve got enough electricity to keep our lives on track whenever we need it.

[Another side note: The investors in my premium community, Future Giants, are invested in a company doing this that just saw its signed contract backlog nearly double in just a quarter.]

It’s helping students study for final exams and professionals prepare for certification and licensing tests.

It’s even helping some hopeful politicians draft their policy stances…

The possibilities are truly endless. And so are the potential profits for companies developing and using AI for other things than chatting with lonely techies.

That’s exactly what the companies I alluded to earlier are doing. And that’s why I’m convinced they’re poised for massive returns in the coming years, maybe even in the coming months.

Tiny Company, Massive Potential

And perhaps the most exciting one is a company that’s been developing its technology for years, long before everyone and their mother started talking about ChatGPT…

The amount of time and money this firm has put into developing its technology is about to pay off, too.

It’s got several hundred patents in the field. It’s got massive investors like Bill Gates (who actually bet more on this tiny startup than he invested in OpenAI to get access to ChatGPT).

And he’s not the only one who sees the immense value packed into this small package. The company also counts Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, Nvidia, Samsung, Oracle, Foxconn, and Vizio (among many others) as key investors and partners.

Its customer list already reads like a who’s who of the biggest corporations in the world, and it’s already a global brand, with operations in North America, Europe, and Asia.

It’s won countless awards and accolades for its advanced AI technology and is recognized in the industry as one of the best in the business.

Yet it still trades for a pittance of its future value. I mean, you can scoop up shares right now for under $5…

But that’s where the opportunity lies for savvy investors. This is a company with a market cap of less than $1 billion.

And remember, just the mention of an AI chatbot (something that’s not really new or groundbreaking anymore) added $60 billion to Apple’s valuation.

This company holds the key to AI technology far more useful and more powerful than any chatbot, no matter how advanced. And when the market catches on, it could easily add $60 billion to its valuation as well.

But whereas that was a 2% gain for Apple, it would be a 5,900% gain for this little-known leader in the AI space.

And if it could happen in just a few minutes for Apple, then my estimate of a few years for this stock’s surge to play out is probably VERY conservative.

In fact, it could happen in the next few months if interest in AI holds up (which it undoubtedly will) and if the markets remain strong (which is anybody’s guess).

But even if it takes a couple of years to fully play out, that’s a 60x gain in only a couple of years!

And it makes sense (and dollars) when you consider that this technology is growing and being adopted at the fastest rate of any new technology in history.

We’re talking about a growth rate that’s 78 times faster than the adoption of streaming video platforms like Netflix…

faster than netflix

One that’s being adopted 34 times faster than ride-sharing software like Uber…

One that’s grown at a rate over 26 times faster than music streaming apps like Spotify.

And one that even puts the meteoric growth of the internet to shame!

But What Does It Do?

I know you’re wondering what this company does that’s so important, so groundbreaking, and so earth-shattering that it’s got me convinced investors are going to see their profits roll in faster than all those technology investments before it…

And I’m not going to leave you hanging. I’m going to explain exactly what this little company does that has it poised to deliver 50x, maybe even 100x gains to early investors.

But I just don’t have the room to get into all the details here…

Which is why I’m including access to a report I’ve compiled about the market, the technology, and the companies I see leading the wave of profits straight to your bank account.

I highly suggest you give it a read so that you too can get invested in this tiny AI stock and the couple of its peers that are equally well-positioned.

And to make it extra easy on you, I’ve also put all the details from the report into an informative and fun-to-watch presentation you can view at your leisure.

Just don’t be too leisurely about getting the information…

The companies I’m talking about are already up triple digits this year alone. And they’re still running up the charts.

But they’re still trading for pennies compared with what I predict they’ll be worth in a few years, maybe even in a few months.

So get access to the report (or the presentation) today and get yourself invested before any more gains are gone.

I’ll be back on Monday with more ways to help you grow that nest egg and take advantage of the biggest market trends.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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