Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (698) Energy Articles

Are Humans Smarter than Yeast?

Brian Hicks
Posted December 13, 2006

As we all know, the warning signals we have received about energy, food, species extinction and global warming are just the most prominent issues.

Uranium Mining in Australia

Brian Hicks
Posted December 1, 2006

Gold World editor Greg McCoach examines the investment climate of uranium mining in Australia.

Canadian Energy's "Exit Stage Right" Plan

Keith Kohl
Posted November 29, 2006

Despite the impending explosion of world energy demand, many Canadian energy companies are choosing to reorganize themselves into trusts. Perhaps they know more about Peak Oil than the rest of us...

The EU's Dark Age

Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2006

Though the European Union has attempted to address topics of trade and economic sustainability as a solid front, a half-hour blackout this weekend laid bare the day-to-day frailties of the...

Peak Oil Has Changed Everything

Brian Hicks
Posted October 16, 2006

If you need more proof that the Age of Oil is coming to an end, you need look no further than two sentences that were uttered last week. One was spoken by the Pentagon. The other, about two hours...

NewsFlash - No New Dead Dinosaurs

Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2006

It's been the top question in every radio show I've been on in the past two weeks. "Why is the world suddenly awash in oil?" I writhe in my seat every time, furrowing my brow not out of confusion...

Enhanced Oil Recovery: Delaying the Catastrophe

Luke Burgess
Posted July 5, 2006

Little know fact -- Massive volumes of zero risk, technically recoverable domestic oil resources still remain undeveloped in the United States.

al-Zarqawi: Cutting Off the Head Won't Kill the Body

Luke Burgess
Posted June 9, 2006

The U.S. has killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, one of al-Qaeda's most beloved leaders. In retaliation the terrorist organization will strike back hence pushing oil prices higher than they are today.

Energy - It Depends!

Brian Hicks
Posted May 30, 2006

We've talked a great deal in Wealth Daily about energy independence and what it means for the 21st century energy economy. The idea is that each country should be able to stand on its own two feet...

Nuclear Problems and Solutions

Brian Hicks
Posted May 22, 2006

Nuclear Power provides use with a reliable domestic power source, but new developments may now make it even better than it already is.

Three More Years of High Gas Prices

Luke Burgess
Posted May 1, 2006

On Friday, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that Iran failed to conform to a 30-day UN Security Council deadline to suspend uranium enrichment.

Gasoline Soars Ahead Holiday Weekend

Luke Burgess
Posted April 14, 2006

With the holiday weekend upon us, retail gasoline prices are soaring across the nation as the crude oil market prices increase dramatically.