Wealth Daily Articles


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A Crypto More Advanced and More Valuable Than Bitcoin?

Alex Koyfman
Posted December 7, 2017

While Bitcoin's popularity as an investment has hit epic proportions, relatively few people use Bitcoin for its actual purpose (buying things). But this other cryptocurrency has something Bitcoin...

Sell This News!

Briton Ryle
Posted December 6, 2017

It's been pitched to the American public as the greatest tax cut in history. Our president has promised that it will be like rocket fuel for the economy. But stocks have been downhill ever since.

Maryland Just Started Selling Marijuana

Monica Savaglia
Posted December 5, 2017

Last week, Maryland began medical marijuana sales as the first dispensary of its kind opened up in the state. This could be the beginning of a new wave of wealth...

How Algorithms Affect the Market

Briton Ryle
Posted December 4, 2017

The speed of Friday's decline is a pretty good example of how the stock market operates these days. Computer-based trading systems can turn on a dime.

Things to Know About the "Bitcoin Bubble"

Alexandra Perry
Posted December 3, 2017

Is Bitcoin in a bubble? The answer is yes and no. No one knows where this wild ride will end, and the only way to protect yourself is to know about major events in the space.

Bitcoin: $1 Million or Bust

Jason Stutman
Posted December 2, 2017

Bitcoin $1 million? It might sound crazy, but it’s possible… and the establishment hates the thought of it.

Jason Stutman Talks Apple and Investing in Augmented Reality

Alexandra Perry
Posted December 1, 2017

A recent leak revealed that Apple is working on a pair of augmented reality glasses. On today's Investing After Hours, senior technology analyst Jason Stutman talks about investing in augmented...

The 6 Best Investment Accounts

Jason Williams
Posted December 1, 2017

There are so many options out there for investing for retirement. But what are the best choices for every investor? Jason Williams gives his favorite banks, brokerages, and accounts for building...

Two Early-Stage Cryptocurrencies Already Growing Faster Than Bitcoin

Alex Koyfman
Posted November 30, 2017

As I write this, Bitcoin (BTC) is just a hair under $11,300, double from just a few weeks ago. How much higher can it really go? Alex Koyfman tells readers where to really look for the...

2018 Prediction Season

Briton Ryle
Posted November 29, 2017

Coming around the final turn into the home stretch of 2017, it looks like a full-bore stock market gallop to the finish line. Wealth Daily editor Brit Ryle gives some pointers on how to make...

Over the Holiday Weekend: Bitcoin Surges, Jeff Bezos' Net Worth Increases

Monica Savaglia
Posted November 28, 2017

It looks like we might be ending 2017 on a high note. Bitcoin soars passed $9,400, while Jeff Bezos gets even richer, increasing his net worth to over $100 billion.

The Bitcoin Lunacy Continues

Briton Ryle
Posted November 27, 2017

As the lunacy continues, Bitcoin's price soars higher and higher thanks to speculators. But its monumental run may be nearing its conclusion once and for all...