Wealth Daily Articles


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Jerome Powell and the Future of the U.S. Economy

Jason Williams
Posted November 3, 2017

Wealth Daily editor Jason Williams takes a look at Donald Trump's pick for the new chairman of the Federal Reserve and tells you what you need to know about him and the direction he'll take the U.S...

Bitcoin Breaks $7,000... Where Next?

Alex Koyfman
Posted November 2, 2017

At $7,000, Bitcoin's total market capitalization is now $118 billion, based on a total supply of 16,658,125 coins (as I'm writing this). What now?

Bitcoin Reaches a New High

Monica Savaglia
Posted October 31, 2017

Over the weekend, Bitcoin hit a new all-time high. The digital currency is soaring higher and higher... What does that mean for you?

The Problem with the Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences ETF (TSX: HMMJ)

Jeff Siegel
Posted October 30, 2017

INSYS Therapeutics is a Trojan Horse for prohibitionists, and a horrible investment to boot.

Amazon Smashes Earnings

Briton Ryle
Posted October 30, 2017

Amazon reported a massive $128.52 gain on Friday. For a company worth around $470 billion, that's pretty unusual... but Amazon is an unusual company.

November 18th: Death of Bitcoin?

Alexandra Perry
Posted October 29, 2017

SegWit2x is a big event for more than just Bitcoin. It's important to the whole digital currency market. That said, investors need to understand the events leading up to this historic event.

Bitcoin, Millionaire Investors, and the Digital Gold Rush

Jason Stutman
Posted October 28, 2017

A bunch of Bitcoin millionaires are sleeping in bunk beds under the same roof. We're ready to ask how they made their fortunes, and what they think is coming next.

Ready for Bitcoin Gold?

Alexandra Perry
Posted October 27, 2017

Bitcoin Gold was released on October 25th and becomes available to mine on November 1st. Though there are doubts on whether this new Bitcoin fork will be a success, it does highlight one of the most...

How Investors Can Weather the Bitcoin Storm

Jason Stutman
Posted October 26, 2017

Wealth Daily contributor Vladimir Smerkis, an acclaimed Russian expert in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology and the founder of the Token Fund, discusses how investors can navigate the...

My Biggest Investment Regret

Alex Koyfman
Posted October 26, 2017

Four years ago, I had the opportunity to get paid in Bitcoin. Like 99% of people would have at the time, I turned it down. Here's how I'm turning that regret into major profits.

Marijuana Minute: Canadian Bioceutical Corporation (CSE: BCC) Grabs $10M and another reason Cannabis Prohibition is a Human Rights Violation

Jeff Siegel
Posted October 25, 2017

Under-the-radar Canadian cannabis stock taps $10 million for expansion and a mother risks jail time to save her son’s life.

The Marijuana Minute: Liberty Health Sciences Bringing Transdermal Cannabis to Florida, and how Maine’s Racist Governor is Defying the wishes of Voters.

Jeff Siegel
Posted October 24, 2017

Florida will soon get transdermal cannabis and Governor Paul LePage reminds the world why voters must stand up to tyranny.