Wealth Daily Articles


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Snapchat: From Millennial Sexting App to $25 Billion IPO

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 16, 2016

Snapchat, the image messaging and multimedia mobile app company has made it official: It’s going public. The Snapchat IPO could be the biggest IPO of 2017

How Donald Trump Could Push Bitcoin to New Heights

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 16, 2016

Nothing makes bitcoin more valuable than knee-jerk reactions of world leaders.

#1 Dividend Stocks on Sale

Briton Ryle
Posted November 16, 2016

The most powerful and reliable dividend stocks are on sale right now. And they were just given their own sector within the S&P 500.

How Trump Can Save Coal Country

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 15, 2016

Coal is not coming back, even if Donald Trump wants it to.

Investing in the Emblem Cannabis IPO

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 15, 2016

Legal cannabis investors rejoiced last week after eight of nine ballot measures legalizing marijuana were approved. The legal cannabis market is booming, and here's its next IPO.

What Could Trump Policies Mean for Technology?

Monica Savaglia
Posted November 14, 2016

Trump has openly been a critic of some of the biggest tech companies, like Apple and Amazon. What could a Trump presidency mean for these tech companies and tech jobs?

Trump Stocks

Briton Ryle
Posted November 14, 2016

Last week was the biggest rally for stocks since 2014. Investors are scrambling to adjust their positions to account for an entirely new set of expectations. Here's what those expectations are...

What a Trump Presidency Means for the Stock Market

Jason Stutman
Posted November 13, 2016

Here's why you shouldn't be panicking over president-elect Donald J. Trump. The next four years will be an interesting term for investors, to say the least.

Gold Gets Oversold in "Trump Rally"

Luke Burgess
Posted November 11, 2016

Prior to the election, there was widespread concern that a Trump presidency would effectively disable the American economy. But now here we are in what largely seems to be an inexplicable "Trump...

The Pendulum Swings... Slightly Less Than Half a Nation Weeps

Alex Koyfman
Posted November 10, 2016

Two days ago, the very same electorate that gave us two doses of Barrack Obama's Hope and Change gave us the first-ever non-career politician president-elect: Donald J. Trump.

The People Have Spoken... Here's What the Market Thinks

Briton Ryle
Posted November 9, 2016

As investors, it is vital that we understand why the reaction to a Trump presidency is an issue for the stock market. Let's have a look...

The Most Successful Analysts on the Planet

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 8, 2016

It doesn’t matter if Clinton or Trump wins. What matters is that you continue to build and protect your wealth. Let's start by taking a look at some of our in house analysts and their track...