Wealth Daily Articles


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Investing in Legal Marijuana Stocks

Jeff Siegel
Posted January 26, 2016

Marijuana has become the easiest way to make a buck... legally.

A Barrel of Oil Gets You a Bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken

Jeff Edwards
Posted January 25, 2016

Seriously: A barrel of oil is roughly worth the equivalent of a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Watch Out for Structured Annuities

Briton Ryle
Posted January 25, 2016

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always be skeptical when you hear that something has been "backtested." And most important of all, make sure you know about all the fees.

5 Rules for Investing in a Bear Market

Jason Stutman
Posted January 23, 2016

It's safe to say at this point we're either on the cusp of or already caught in the jaws of a bear market. Here's 5 simple rules for when investing gets tough.

Investing in Gold with the Tocqueville Gold Fund (TGLDX)

Geoffrey Pike
Posted January 22, 2016

In economics, there is a saying that the cure for high prices is high prices. So, why has gold trended downwards for four years?

Corporate Taxes are Personal

Geoffrey Pike
Posted January 22, 2016

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently released a report showing the United States as a low-tax country as compared to other OECD countries.

Willful Ignorance or Just Alzheimer's?

Alex Koyfman
Posted January 21, 2016

Recent polls for hopeful presidential candidates are starting to indicate the impossible... Bernie Sanders is beginning to turn the tide. And its a sign that things have gone very, very wrong.

Sarah Palin Just Endorsed Donald Trump

Jeff Edwards
Posted January 20, 2016

Ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump may very well be the GOP nominee for President. If I were a prophet, this is the point I would exclaim that I quit because I have no idea what is about to happen...

Buckle Up...

Briton Ryle
Posted January 20, 2016

Can you hang on for another week? How about two? If the Dow falls 500 points tomorrow (or today), will you freak out and sell everything? I hope you answered wisely, find out if you did inside.

Two More Weeks Until Iowa Answers Two Very Big Questions

Jeff Edwards
Posted January 19, 2016

The Iowa caucus speaks volumes about the mood of this nation, and given the two extreme candidates we see in each field, I believe it will be a temperature check on the citizenry.

Why Oil Will Rally in 2016

Geoffrey Pike
Posted January 18, 2016

In June 2014, a barrel of oil was trading for over $100. In the course of just over 18 months, the price has dropped by over 70%. Saudi Arabia is dying and oil is about to rally.

Excluding Rand Paul from the Republican Debates is a Conservative Tragedy

Jeff Edwards
Posted January 18, 2016

I recognize that with the field of GOP candidates numbering in the thousands apparently, there has to be some logical criteria for who to include and who to exclude in the debates.