Wealth Daily Articles


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Representative Paul Ryan Might Be the Medicine the Conservative Movement Needs

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 18, 2015

I'm not saying I agree with every position of Ronald Reagan despite his legendary status, but the man decided to govern amidst the environment into which he landed rather than opine about the way it...

Bank Welfare: The Rate Hike

Geoffrey Pike
Posted December 18, 2015

When you listen to the financial news, they don’t quite put it in these terms.

Is China Really Angered over US Arms Sales to Taiwan?

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 17, 2015

Unlike America, whose policy is often dictated by the next election cycle, the Chinese are content to wait 50 years for the right timing

A Cigarette That Saves Lives?

Alex Koyfman
Posted December 17, 2015

There are more than 1.1 billion smokers across the world today. This company may have found the silver bullet for any smoker who wants to quit.

Why the Middle Class is Irrelevant

Geoffrey Pike
Posted December 16, 2015

In a free market society, there will be disparity, but most everyone will be getting wealthier. Do we have the richest poor people on the planet?

A Stock for 2016

Briton Ryle
Posted December 16, 2015

I'm going to write about... Twitter? Twitter has grown revenue by 70% over the last year to $2 billion and I think Twitter shares could double in 2016.

Why the Court-Martial of Bowe Bergdahl Matters to Veterans

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 15, 2015

Personally, I don't care what prison time he gets, as I do think that five years with the Taliban is worth about 20 in an American prison. But he should be punished because he fled the fight.

Can the GOP Survive This Election?

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 15, 2015

Rather than wait out Donald Trump and hope he doesn't win the nomination, maybe the GOP should just let him leave now as opposed to continually suffer at the hands of his threats.

How the Government Spends YOUR Tax Dollars

Geoffrey Pike
Posted December 15, 2015

How the U.S. government used your tax dollars to build luxury living in Afghanistan.

Pickens Supports Legalizing Marijuana

Jeff Siegel
Posted December 15, 2015

Billionaires are investing in legal marijuana. Shouldn't you?

The Fed Bubble is Exploding

Briton Ryle
Posted December 14, 2015

It shouldn't be a surprise that the Fed missed the latest bubble, which is now exploding right before our eyes. This particular bubble was/is in high-yield bonds.

A Militant Fiscal Case for Closing Guantanamo Bay

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 13, 2015

There have been few issues more divisive regarding our post-9/11 actions than the creation of a prison at Guantanamo Bay to house terrorist and enemy combatants.