Wealth Daily Articles


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Why the Middle Class is Dying

Jason Stutman
Posted December 13, 2015

For the first time in recent history, the American middle class is no longer the majority.

16 Stocks Every Millennial Should Own

Jeff Siegel
Posted December 11, 2015

Today's Millennials can easily be tomorrow's millionaires.

Keeping the Middle Class Down

Geoffrey Pike
Posted December 11, 2015

While people have various reasons for supporting Trump and Sanders, one of the main reasons seems to be their acknowledgement of the struggling American middle class.

2015: A Look Back at Gold

Geoffrey Pike
Posted December 10, 2015

As 2015 wraps up, it is time to reflect on gold and its performance in 2015. From there, we can consider whether it should be a New Year’s resolution to buy gold.

A $300 Billion-a-Year Mistake

Alex Koyfman
Posted December 10, 2015

According to a study done eight years ago, the cost of marijuana prohibition stood at a whopping $41.8 billion. The numbers may stun you, but they don't lie.

Is There Good Reason to Fear President Donald Trump?

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 9, 2015

Rather than tackle the two firmly entrenched camps, it might be more productive to kick around a few questions for the rest of us... the most important being whether or not there is good reason to...

Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters Just Came Right Out and Said It

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 9, 2015

Earlier this week, Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters reinforced a view of the President that has occasionally leaked out from various military leaders.

Green Chip Stocks for 2016

Jeff Siegel
Posted December 8, 2015

Now, I'm not writing this today just to boast. Instead, I want to introduce you to the world of Green Chip Stocks. Save the planet and get rich at the same time!

How the Fed Already Screwed You in 2016

Geoffrey Pike
Posted December 7, 2015

Don't blame the Fed's 2015 policies for the economic downturn about to unfold. Here's why ...

The Death of Manufacturing

Briton Ryle
Posted December 7, 2015

Is globalization to blame for the death of American manufacturing? Another trend might be the real killer of the middle class...

Secretary of Defense Opens All Combat Jobs to Women

Jeff Edwards
Posted December 4, 2015

To any females reading this article, I want you to know that my opposition to women in certain combat jobs is not about keeping you underneath any particular glass ceiling.

China Hits the Big Time

Geoffrey Pike
Posted December 4, 2015

On Monday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that the Chinese yuan will be included in the IMF's international basket of currencies.