Wealth Daily Articles


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Marijuana Local Elections: Taxes and Legalization

Alex Koyfman
Posted November 4, 2015

On Tuesday morning, voters in Colorado agreed to allow the state to keep $66 million in marijuana tax revenue.

Who Owns Most of the World's Gold?

Luke Burgess
Posted November 4, 2015

The top ten largest owners of gold control 14% of the world's total supply. Wealth Daily editor Luke Burgess takes a look at who these organizations are and how much gold they own.

Content is King Again

Briton Ryle
Posted November 4, 2015

Viewers now have options from the various on-demand streaming services, and this is a huge threat to cable. The sooner they acknowledge it, the better.

Legal Marijuana Investing in Mexico

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 3, 2015

Is Mexico about to join the legal marijuana trade?

Marijuana Legalization and the Case for Liberty

Geoffrey Pike
Posted November 2, 2015

Only opponents of liberty oppose marijuana legalization.

My Favorite Tech Dividend Stocks

Briton Ryle
Posted November 2, 2015

Today, I thought I'd share the presentation I gave in Toronto with you. We're looking at dividend growth in technology stocks.

How Central Banks Steal Gold

Geoffrey Pike
Posted October 30, 2015

India's looking to add gold to its banking system. Here's what that means for gold investors.

Demand for Gold is Headed Up

Geoffrey Pike
Posted October 30, 2015

The demand for gold coins and bars increased by 26% in the third quarter. Here's why investors should pay attention.

Own Stock in AAPL, TSLA, GOOGL for Any Price You Decide

Alex Koyfman
Posted October 29, 2015

You can now buy shares of Apple, Google, or Tesla at the grocery store... and it's as simple as picking up a gift card at checkout.

The Alzheimer's Code... Cracked?

Alex Koyfman
Posted October 29, 2015

Eunice Davidson wandered away from home and was found two days later in a ditch. But stories like hers could be on their way out.

Here's Why Apple Rules

Briton Ryle
Posted October 28, 2015

I knew when I saw the first iPod ads back in 2004 that Apple would have a hit on its hands... but I had no idea just how successful Apple would be.

"Brexit" Means Financial Freedom

Alex Koyfman
Posted October 27, 2015

The majority of Britons now support "Brexit," a campaign urging Britain to leave the EU behind, according to recent surveys.