Wealth Daily Articles


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Public Schools are Failing our Children

Geoffrey Pike
Posted February 27, 2014

Are public schools doing little more than teaching our children how to be obedient, nationalistic citizens of the state? Are we setting them to shun individualism, entrepreneurship and creativity?

Profiting from Night Vision Optics

Brian Hicks
Posted February 27, 2014

The Pentagon recently announced major cuts to the Army and armed services, in the meantime retaining full funding for the Special Forces. It's not a major leap to expect the government to maintain...

The Controversy of Unmanned Cargo Ships

Briton Ryle
Posted February 27, 2014

Unmanned drones have the potential to disrupt cargo delivery not only on land and air, but also on the sea. Rolls-Royce is testing the controversial idea.

The Threat that is Bitcoin

Briton Ryle
Posted February 26, 2014

The recent collapse of Mt. Gox underscores the problem with a currency that attempts to have no central control and exist outside the machinations of capitalism.

This Currency Just Crashed

Briton Ryle
Posted February 26, 2014

I've watched Bitcoin move by hundreds of dollars a day. Maybe I just don't get it, but I think a gold standard -- impractical as that is -- would be preferable to the digital currency...

What a Chopped US Military Means to your Portfolio

Briton Ryle
Posted February 25, 2014

The U.S. Military is about to shrink in size. With it, the market for military contractors will shrink. Here are a few winners and losers in this scenario.

Your Next Car Will Have a Stack Engine

Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 25, 2014

Sprint, Hyundai, and Toyota are all pushing hard for fuel cells. Toyota in particular is touting its fuel cell vehicle for 2015... and it's time to get bullish.

A Politically Incorrect Take on Discrimination

Geoffrey Pike
Posted February 25, 2014

Some may find this piece offensive as my take on discrimination is definitely not politically correct. However, if you value liberty, you must realize that the government has no business telling...

Time to Sell Facebook (NASDAQ: FB)?

Jason Stutman
Posted February 24, 2014

Several flaws in Facebook's advertising model have recently come to light, and it's almost certain that as customers begin to catch on, they will flee from the social giant.

Win Gold by Trading Silver

Briton Ryle
Posted February 24, 2014

In the Olympics, a gold medal signifies the best performance. But in precious metals trading right now, silver is the top performer.

Get Ready for Another Economic Dip before Spring

Briton Ryle
Posted February 24, 2014

Some are blaming the harsh winter for 2014's flat economic growth. Others say the system is broken. Here's what I think...

Investing in Cement

Briton Ryle
Posted February 21, 2014

Building materials are an important indicator of economic conditions, and the global consumption of concrete and cement can trace important developing trends.