Wealth Daily Articles


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Mike Turner's Gay Marriage Solution Makes Sense

Jeff Siegel
Posted January 27, 2014

While it may seem like a slam against gay marriage (and it seems to be), Mike Turner's solution to the gay marriage debate may actually be a benefit for gay couples wishing to get married. Take the...

Which is Safer: Gold or Bonds?

Geoffrey Pike
Posted January 24, 2014

Was yesterday's sell-off merely a temporary correction or something more? If it's the latter, and stocks continue to sell off this year, where will you seek safety? Gold, bonds or both?

China's First Recession

Geoffrey Pike
Posted January 24, 2014

China's real estate bubble could make America's last real estate bubble look like a picnic. Because China wants to centrally plan its economy, it's doomed to feel the wrath of a massive bust. If...

Nintendo: Down but Definitely not Out

Brian Hicks
Posted January 23, 2014

Everything has taken a chunk out of Nintendo: Mobile devices, connected console gaming, PC gaming, you name it. The company has had no success in this generation of devices, but if you're a value...

The Future of Semiconductor Investing

Briton Ryle
Posted January 23, 2014

You might hear people talk about the "Internet of Things." It's the next generation of computing that we're only just starting to see become a reality. In this generation, the prior kings will be...

Tiny Solar Company Makes Big Moves

Briton Ryle
Posted January 23, 2014

The sun is shining brightly on solar energy providers in California, and for one Goleta-based solar company, a cocktail of encouraging news is driving up their value.

Artificial Heart Company Primed for Big Payday

Brian Hicks
Posted January 23, 2014

A quarter century after Robocop introduced a better-than-natural robotic heart as a vision of the future, it's becoming the stuff of fact...

The NSA is More Powerful than the Presdient

Geoffrey Pike
Posted January 22, 2014

It's hard to believe, but the NSA is now actually more powerful than the President, members of Congress, even the Federal Reserve. How does that make you feel? Does it concern you? It should.

Obama the Race-Baiter

Brian Hicks
Posted January 22, 2014

I guess when all else fails, play the race card. That's what President Obama is doing now that his poll numbers are dismal and he's desperate to revive his reputation as some kind of great savior...

2014 Predictions

Briton Ryle
Posted January 22, 2014

It was easy to be bullish heading into 2012 and 2013 because the majority of investors were bearish. But the tide is changing, and investors have finally gotten bullish...

Investing in Interest Rate Futures

Briton Ryle
Posted January 21, 2014

Allowing you to trade just the interest rates themselves without having to touch your bonds or currency positions, IRFs leave your interest rate sensitive holdings fully protected.

Cash in on Antiquated ATMs

Brian Hicks
Posted January 21, 2014

We're in the midst of an ATM generational shift, thanks to the end-of-life of Windows XP. The large-scale upgrade necessary to keep ATMs up to snuff presents a great opportunity to investors.