Wealth Daily Articles


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This Indicator is Bullish

Brian Hicks
Posted June 6, 2013

Wal-Mart is no longer a domestic story... It's global. And you can gauge the health of the global economy by the global expansion plans of Wal-Mart.

Marine Uniform Banned from High School Graduation

Jeff Siegel
Posted June 6, 2013

Should a young marine be able to wear his uniform at graduation?

Marijuana Industry Fund Launched

Brian Hicks
Posted June 6, 2013

Venture capital firm Ghost Group has announced its new fund, which will provide support to companies involved in the soon-to-be burgeoning marijuana industry.

Fed Stimulus Changing Course?

Briton Ryle
Posted June 6, 2013

Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, thinks it would be wise for the Fed's stimulus program to change course sooner rather than later...

Silver Short Squeeze

Christian DeHaemer
Posted June 5, 2013

Silver has had a bad run of it. After climbing from below $10 to almost $50 from 2008 through 2011, silver has dropped by more than 50%...

Roubini: Gold Price will Drop to $1000

Brian Hicks
Posted June 5, 2013

Nouriel "Dr. Doom" Roubini predicts a dismal future for gold. And though his argument appears valid, he's been wrong before...

Investing in the Housing Recovery

Brian Hicks
Posted June 5, 2013

The U.S. housing recovery has spurred the return of McMansions, and it's putting pressure on first-time homebuyers...

HSBC Foreclosure Law Violations

Briton Ryle
Posted June 5, 2013

HSBC is under fire yet again for its failure to comply with the New York state law on foreclosures. And now the bank is headed to court...

Tea Party Truth about Black Voters

Jeff Siegel
Posted June 5, 2013

Some call him a racist, but I call him a truth-teller. Setting the record straight on black voters and the Republican party.

The Biggest Stock Market Lie

Briton Ryle
Posted June 4, 2013

Do you remember the "jobless" economic recovery of 2002-2003? Well, we are seeing the exact same cycle play out today. Knowing how it played out before will help you protect and grow your money.

High Dividend Stock Slump

Brian Hicks
Posted June 4, 2013

Investors were once attracted to dividend-paying stocks, but now that Treasury yields are up, no-dividend stocks are getting a boost...

Bank of America Mortgage Settlement

Brian Hicks
Posted June 4, 2013

Bank of America is finally headed to court to reach a settlement with mortgage security investors...