Wealth Daily Articles


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Dow 20,000

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 7, 2013

All major U.S. stock market indices are hitting new highs. It makes one think Dow 20,000 isn't all that far off...

Bilderberg Exposed 2013

Brian Hicks
Posted May 7, 2013

What is the Bilderberg Group and what are its plans?

Platinum Price Growth Investing

Briton Ryle
Posted May 7, 2013

Platinum prices had been slumping on falling demand, but now several mine closures could cause a price boost...

Lauryn Hill Tax Slave

Jeff Siegel
Posted May 7, 2013

Lauryn Hill could have lent her star power to tax reform movements, instead she just skipped out on the check.

Home Loan Defaults at Pre-Crash Levels

Brian Hicks
Posted May 7, 2013

Recent data shows that delinquent mortgages have fallen to 2007 levels. Does this mean the market is nearly completely healed?

Warren Buffett on the Stock Market

Brian Hicks
Posted May 7, 2013

In a recent interview, Warren Buffett gave his opinion on where investors should be looking in this market, considering Fed easing and the Dow and S&P record highs...

Is DOW 22,000 Coming?

Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2013

The Dow has the potential to 22,000. That's not speculation on my part; it's based on a simple reading of the charts... and once I show you the chart, I think you'll agree with me.

Biotechs and Nanomedicine Investing

Briton Ryle
Posted May 6, 2013

Through molecular technology, drug developers are now able to target specific diseased cells and tissue. And several companies are at the forefront...

Bitcoin Stability

Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2013

After the massive price run up in the wake of the Cyprus banking crisis, Bitcoin prices appear to have stabilized...

Tiny Robots Next Step for Drones

Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2013

As the U.S. government continues to move ahead with drones both abroad and domestically, these tiny robots could be the next generation...

Gold Prices and Economic Growth

Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2013

As Europe struggles unsuccessfully to free itself from recession, the U.S. economy is showing many signs of improvement. What does this mean for gold in 2013?

Illegal Vote on Solar in North Carolina

Jeff Siegel
Posted May 6, 2013

Senator Bill Rabon robbed citizens of an honest hearing by refusing to properly count votes on a bill that ultimately passed.