Wealth Daily Articles


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Morgan Stanley: Copper Prices to Rise in 2013

Brian Hicks
Posted January 28, 2013

As China's copper demand continues to rise each year and the world experiences its fourth straight year of supply deficit, copper prices will rise...

IBM (NYSE: IBM) Enters Biotech Industry

Brian Hicks
Posted January 28, 2013

IBM's research with semiconductors has led to developments in a different sector: biotech.

The Untouchables

Brian Hicks
Posted January 27, 2013

Wall Street won. The government won. Everybody lived happily ever after... except the rest of us. What you can do to protect yourself and your wealth as history is about to repeat itself.

Protecting the 22nd Amendment

Jeff Siegel
Posted January 27, 2013

A reintroduced bill to repeal the 22nd Amendment could tilt the scales in favor of dictatorial rule.

German Gold Repatriation

Brian Hicks
Posted January 25, 2013

The big news last week was the initial announcement by Germany that they would be repatriating their gold back to Germany and the political rhetoric that followed.

Robotic Industry to Create Jobs

Brian Hicks
Posted January 25, 2013

New findings show that automation could create jobs - between 1.9 and 3.5 million worldwide - not kill them as many believe.

Silver Demand Surges in 2013

Brian Hicks
Posted January 25, 2013

Silver sales have already doubled from 2012's average monthly rate, and there's still time left in this month...

China Covets U.S. Coal

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 24, 2013

The Hammer talks about beaten-down commodities in a rising market. China demands coal... but where will it get it? And who will benefit?

Graphene Market to Grow 40%

Brian Hicks
Posted January 24, 2013

A new report estimates 40% growth by 2020 in the graphene market. The material has wide applications in everything from tech to defense...

High Volume of Physical Gold Purchases

Brian Hicks
Posted January 24, 2013

The high volume of physical gold purchases from India and the rest of the world has pushed gold prices up...

The Right Way to Fund Solar Power

Adam English
Posted January 23, 2013

Government-based solar subsidies are a wreck, but solar still can't seem stand on its own. If only there were a simple, free market solution...

Banks Post Profit on Home Loans

Brian Hicks
Posted January 23, 2013

The housing market is swinging back with the Federal Reserve's near-zero interest rates, and home loans are helping the banks...