Wealth Daily Articles


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This Is Food Stamp Lunacy

Jeff Siegel
Posted January 12, 2013

One college grad talks about the sacrifices he made to repay his debt in two years. But taking food stamps is NOT a sacrifice.

Second Amendment Attacks Continue

Jeff Siegel
Posted January 12, 2013

A handful of Illinois lawmakers recently passed a measure that would ban all semi-automatic rifles and handguns.

California Pharmaceutical Company Acquires Biotech

Brian Hicks
Posted January 11, 2013

BioMarin (NASDAQ: BMRN) has acquired Zacharon Pharmaceuticals to help with genetic disease drug research.

Mining Robotics

Brian Hicks
Posted January 11, 2013

In a partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, miner Anglo American (LON: AAL) is developing robotic technology to aid mining efforts.

2 Data Points and 3 Trends for Q1

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 10, 2013

For the first time in three years, consumer credit card debt has improved for three consecutive quarters. Less debt means more disposable income.

Gold Attractive in Economic Uncertainty

Brian Hicks
Posted January 10, 2013

As the debt ceiling approaches as the next major deadline for U.S. lawmakers, gold remains a strong safe haven.

Silver ETFs Gain

Brian Hicks
Posted January 10, 2013

Silver prices were lackluster in December 2012, but net inflows into silver ETFs gained in that period.

Coal's New Life Overseas

Adam English
Posted January 9, 2013

King Coal has been dethroned and is being ran out of America. However, coal still rules supreme overseas, and American miners are poised to make a fortune.

African Barrick Gold (LON: ABG) Sale Falls Through

Brian Hicks
Posted January 9, 2013

After sale talks between Barrick Gold (TSX: ABX) and China National Gold Group fell through, African Barrick Gold (LON: ABG) shares dropped.

Biotech Collaborates with Startup on Cancer Drug

Brian Hicks
Posted January 9, 2013

Major biotech Amgen (NASDAQ: AMGN) is working with a startup to create a drug targeting cancer cells.

Buy This Stock

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 8, 2013

Should you own this stock? Heck ya! Christian DeHaemer explains why this company is a great investment for the year to come.

Bank of America to Pay Fannie Mae for Mortgage Claims

Brian Hicks
Posted January 8, 2013

After the mortgage losses following the 2008 financial collapse, Bank of America's Countrywide Financial Corp. owed compensation to mortgage buyers.