Wealth Daily Articles


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Billionaire Says 2013 Will Be Good

Brian Hicks
Posted January 7, 2013

We can almost guarantee the market will go great guns in 2013. Let me explain by taking you back two years...

December Jobs Data Gives Gold a Boost

Brian Hicks
Posted January 7, 2013

Stable hiring in December couldn't lower the unemployment rate, giving gold a boost in anticipation of continued stimulus.

Stickin' It to WallStreet

Brian Hicks
Posted January 5, 2013

Don't be scared to buy when markets are unpredictable. You should fear reliance on the government to cushion your retirement... Learn how one self-reliant investor beat the Street and turned $20K...

Unconstitutional Searches Now Legal

Jeff Siegel
Posted January 5, 2013

Washington starts off the new year with fiscal irresponsibility, pay raises and the elimination of the fourth amendment.

Personal Financial Management

Nick Hodge
Posted January 4, 2013

In these early days of 2013, I thought it prudent to offer some quick tips on broader money management strategies that can complement specific investment recommendations.

Robotic Surgery Company Completes Financing

Brian Hicks
Posted January 4, 2013

Medrobotics Corp., maker of the Flex Robotic System, has completed $33.6 million in Series D financing.

"One Word: Plastics"

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 3, 2013

Change has a way of arriving unannounced at your door. Trends that cannot go on won't, and the unexpected will thrive.

Gold Gains on Fiscal Cliff Deal

Brian Hicks
Posted January 3, 2013

Congress arrived at a deal to avert the fiscal cliff, sending gold price up.

Oil Props Up the Dollar

Adam English
Posted January 2, 2013

Oil has acted like an anchor dragging behind the U.S. economy for decades. Analyst Adam English explains why early signs point to a complete role reversal.

Fiscal Cliff Pork

Brian Hicks
Posted January 2, 2013

Do you know what is actually in the Fiscal Cliff bill? Pork!

Silver Mine Could Hold 15 Million Ounces

Brian Hicks
Posted January 2, 2013

Silver Standard Resources (TSX: SSO) has discovered the Pitarrilla silver mine could hold a large deposit of silver.

Is the Author Feeling OK?

Brian Hicks
Posted December 31, 2012

Some closing year-end thoughts from your publisher.