Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (9326) Articles

Mining Company Announces Record Gold Find

Brian Hicks
Posted December 11, 2012

Nordic Mines (STO: NOMI) has had a rough year, but a record gold discovery in November helped pare losses.

Is Goldman Sachs Lying About Gold?

Briton Ryle
Posted December 10, 2012

Any time Goldman Sachs goes public with a recommendation to buy or sell any asset, you should be very careful. Don't let Goldman scare you away from gold... It's going higher.

Five New Healthcare Robots

Brian Hicks
Posted December 10, 2012

These cost-cutting robots could revolutionize the medical industry...

Gold Prices Rise Despite Lowered Unemployment

Brian Hicks
Posted December 10, 2012

A positive jobs report didn't help raise consumer confidence as the fiscal cliff approaches...

Secret Silver Stockpiles and Gold's Black Market

Brian Hicks
Posted December 9, 2012

To avoid Western sanctions and taxes, gold and silver smuggling has the precious metals black market thriving. Find out who's hoarding the most and how the U.S. government is trying to stop them.

Illegal Search and Seizure

Jeff Siegel
Posted December 9, 2012

Private prison employees are now allowed to conduct drug raids on high schools.

Global Economic Collapse

Nick Hodge
Posted December 7, 2012

They continue to stoke your fears of isolated events - Iran, North Korea, Israel, West Nile, Zombie Apocalypse - while the most damaging events continue to take place right under your nose.

Canadian Grocer to Create Nation's Largest REIT

Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2012

Canada's biggest grocer is making moves to rival Wal-Mart and Target.

Gold Reacts to ECB Announcement, Jobs Data

Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2012

Gold rose on Thursday and Friday after an ECB announcement and strong jobs data.

Why Silver Has Legs

Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 6, 2012

Silver demand is at a nadir, silver is below its mean, and supply looks worrisome... The Hammer confronts his past and comes up a winner.

Twin Metals Mine Could Be World's Biggest

Brian Hicks
Posted December 6, 2012

Revised estimates for Duluth Metals Ltd.'s (TSX: DM) Twin Metals mine show deposits even bigger than originally thought.

Ron Paul: Fiscal Cliff is "Nonsense"

Brian Hicks
Posted December 6, 2012

The fiscal cliff is getting closer, but Congressman Ron Paul believes it's all smoke and mirrors...