Wealth Daily Articles


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China's Fast-Growing Industrial Robotics Market

Brian Hicks
Posted November 12, 2012

China's industrial robotics market is growing faster than any other country, setting it up to be a world leader...

FEMA Tent Cities

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 12, 2012

Hurricane Sandy may have forced this young lady into a FEMA shelter, but her ignorance deserves no sympathy.

Pressure On Obama, Off Gold

Brian Hicks
Posted November 10, 2012

Obama may have won the presidency, but how will those happy voters feel once the fiscal cliff crisis hits, dragging America right back into an even bleaker recession than before?

Tenth Amendment Violation Alert

Jeff Siegel
Posted November 10, 2012

Despite new state laws that allow it, the federal government can still arrest you for smoking marijuana.

How Insiders Invest with Private Money

Nick Hodge
Posted November 9, 2012

For too long, surefire investments made by insiders have been off the table for everyday folks, reserved instead for Ivy League graduates and their cocktail party friends. The key to investing and...

Robotic Surgery Company Attains U.S. Patent

Brian Hicks
Posted November 9, 2012

Canadian robotic surgery company Titan Medical (TSXV: TMD) is the company behind the Amadeus surgical systems...

Gold and the Fiscal Cliff

Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 8, 2012

Two days ago I told you gold would rally and the S&P 500 would fall after the election. I was dead-on: Gold went up from $1,680 to $1,733 and hit a two-week high; the S&P fell to 1,388 from...

Gold Rallies on Obama's Re-election

Brian Hicks
Posted November 8, 2012

A second term in the White House for Barack Obama means a continuation of the Fed's stimulus policies, which pushed gold up...

The Fed's Gold Problem Is Now International

Adam English
Posted November 7, 2012

The Fed is going to be audited, but the scope is limited... Now the problem is becoming international due to outrage from Germany. When will the Fed wake up and realize the importance of gold?

Obama is President

Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

The election determined Obama will hold office for another four years, but what does that mean for you?

Silver Wheaton (TSX: SLW) Prepares for Fourth Quarter Earnings

Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

Third quarter income may have been down, but Silver Wheaton Corp. (TSX: SLW) sees a good fourth quarter ahead...

What Gold Will Do After the Election

Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 6, 2012

From where I sit the election is a coin toss, both in terms of who will win and what they will do with the power when they get there.