Wealth Daily Articles


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One Company's Massive Dividend Growth

Brian Hicks
Posted October 15, 2012

Wal-Mart's current trailing 12-month dividend payment was $1.59 per share held... meaning if you initially owned 1,000 shares of Wal-Mart in 1974, you would have recently received a dividend payment...

Successful Biotech IPOs

Brian Hicks
Posted October 15, 2012

Kythera Biopharmaceuticals and Intercept Pharmaceuticals opened trading last week at the high ends of their price ranges...

2013: The Year of Lies, System Collapse, and Silver

Brian Hicks
Posted October 13, 2012

Silver's up 27.5% since mid-June, and it's exponentially increasing as America's addiction to government dependency swirls into tenacious chaos.

2013 Market Outlook

Nick Hodge
Posted October 12, 2012

The economy just passed a fork in the road, and it went both ways. We're printing money so the Fed can buy assets that no else will buy to keep the stock market going up and interest rates low. And...

Gold Rises After Four Days of Decline

Brian Hicks
Posted October 12, 2012

Gold rose on Thursday with the euro and against a falling dollar...

Gold Forecast: 2013

Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 11, 2012

The last time gold broke out of its consolidation pattern, in 2008, it went from $850 to $1,200: a 40% gain. Given the similar chart pattern, I estimate gold will hit $2,403 by the third quarter of...

Iraqi Dinar Trends

Brian Hicks
Posted October 11, 2012

While some bullish investors put their faith in a dinar revaluation, Iraqis themselves don't trust the currency...

Canadian Gold Miners Come in from the Cold

Adam English
Posted October 10, 2012

Precious metals miners always have a tough job, but the last year has been brutal... Now that the Fed and ECB are printing unlimited amounts of money, all of that is about to change.

Biotech Fibrocell Raises $45 Million

Brian Hicks
Posted October 10, 2012

Fibrocell Science Corp. is fundraising to support its aesthetic dermatology treatment...

France Surrenders

Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 9, 2012

The French president aims to reduce the debt by raising taxes to putative levels on the rich. And as we learn time and time again, if you punish something, you get less of it.

GE (NYSE: GE) Works with Biopharma Company

Brian Hicks
Posted October 9, 2012

GE Healthcare is working with Geron Corporation to make it easier to identify drug toxicity...

The New Rules for Gold?

Briton Ryle
Posted October 8, 2012

My jaw hit the floor when one of my colleagues showed me the irrefutable evidence a few months ago of the most important gold story in the last four decades. It's going to push gold prices...