Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (9326) Articles

Deadly Riots Recharge Gold Bull Market

Brian Hicks
Posted September 30, 2012

The increasing severity of South African gold riots halts nearly one-fifth of the world's gold production, meaning gold prices will soar higher and faster than any gold bug could have imagined...

Oil Prices to Head Higher

Nick Hodge
Posted September 28, 2012

Oil's a market for which the demand is greater than supply, has been for awhile, and seems as though it will stay that way for some time... Global demand is 89.37 million barrels per day. Production...

Silver Continues Upward Trend

Brian Hicks
Posted September 28, 2012

Silver gained more than gold during the first two phases of easing, and it will likely keep up that trend...

Mexico is The New China

Christian DeHaemer
Posted September 27, 2012

Mexico is the biggest unreported story of the year. The Hammer tells you what you should know about what's going on south of the border.

Junior Gold Miner ETF Performs Better Than Bullion

Brian Hicks
Posted September 27, 2012

The Junior Gold Miner ETF has been performing better than bullion since August...

How to Safely Increase Wal-Mart's Dividend

Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2012

When you look at the numbers, I don't see any reason for Wal-Mart's capital appreciation to end. The numbers are downright staggering. Learn how you can leverage the retail giant's success to pad...

Warren Buffett on Hedging Against Inflation

Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2012

In a book by Warren Buffett, the Oracle explains a way to hedge against inflation, something we could all keep an eye on as the Fed starts to print more money...

Junk Gold and Silver

Christian DeHaemer
Posted September 25, 2012

Maybe we are farther down the path than we realize... In Argentina, they didn't think the banks would close, or their private pension accounts would be taken over by the government. When they said...

Swiss Agrochemical Company to Purchase Biotech

Brian Hicks
Posted September 25, 2012

Following industry majors like BASF and Bayer, Syngenta is purchasing a biotech company...

Gold and Silver Stocks about to Explode

Brian Hicks
Posted September 24, 2012

Global quantitative easing, tensions in Asia, unrest in the Middle East, the continued increasing devaluation of the dollar: Why smart investors are putting their money into physical precious metals...

Robotics Company Acquisition

Brian Hicks
Posted September 24, 2012

iRobot's (NASDAQ: IRBT) robotic floor cleaner, the Roomba, will now receive a boost from Evolution Robotics' damp mop technology...

Precious Metals Will Explode in Aftermath

Brian Hicks
Posted September 22, 2012

Federal crackdown unleashed on crooked bankers who have cost taxpayers billions. JP Morgan's silver scandal and Gold Cartel secrets revealed soon...