Wealth Daily Articles


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Buy This REIT Now

Brian Hicks
Posted August 29, 2012

The REIT market is on fire. And it's easy to see why...

Iraqi Dinar Investments

Brian Hicks
Posted August 29, 2012

Despite its high risk, a number of investors have placed faith in the Iraqi dinar. Is the hype worth it?

They Laughed When I Said Buy Platinum...

Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 28, 2012

Gold up, silver up, platinum up. You should pay particular attention to the undervalued miners.

Biotech Startup Receives Medicare Coverage

Brian Hicks
Posted August 28, 2012

Biotech company CardioDx Inc., after receiving clearance for Medicare coverage, is set up for a round of funding.

Precious Metals Signal a Major Move is Coming

Brian Hicks
Posted August 27, 2012

It's not too late to buy silver... but this train is leaving the station. So you better get moving very soon if you want a piece of the coming surge.

Gold Investors Most Bullish in 9 Months

Brian Hicks
Posted August 27, 2012

Gold investing strengthens on speculation of central bank stimulus action...

Gold Hoarding, Insider Trading, and a Whole Lot of Bullets

Brian Hicks
Posted August 26, 2012

Startling new evidence reveals central banks, Wall Street insiders, and our own government are quickly and quietly preparing for something BIG.

Welfare Nation

Nick Hodge
Posted August 24, 2012

And it's not the right or left that's to blame... It's the pacified population that's traded true individualism and liberty (you know, the American Dream) for dependence on the State.

Gold Up on Fed Stimulus Prospects

Brian Hicks
Posted August 24, 2012

FOMC Minutes revealed that Fed members may favor economic stimulus, sending gold up.

Buy Gold

Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 23, 2012

In 1998, the top ten banks in this country controlled 55 percent of all banking assets. Today they control 77 percent of all banking assets. These banks are leveraged to the hilt with off-balance...

Buffett Reduces Municipal Credit Bets

Brian Hicks
Posted August 23, 2012

Buffett is reducing Berkshire Hathaway's credit default swap protection by half.

Success Now a Disorder?

Brian Hicks
Posted August 22, 2012

For many of us out there, the next few weeks are what is known as "Back to School" time. In honor of this annual event, we are going to dip into the Wealth Daily archives to bring you this classic...