Wealth Daily Articles


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1.5 Billion Barrels of Oil Found in Ohio

Brian Hicks
Posted May 22, 2012

This company's drilling method received "technological innovator of the year award" for 2011. This is the future of shale drilling. Period.

Day 3: Facebook Falls

Brian Hicks
Posted May 22, 2012

"I've never seen that before in 10 years..."

Keynes, Mustangs, and Oil Prices

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 21, 2012

There is perhaps nothing quite so agreeable as a hot spring day, laughing children and burning burgers. And despite my best intentions, I burnt them black and crisp.

The Facebook Flop

Brian Hicks
Posted May 21, 2012

Despite status as a "guaranteed" win, Facebook IPO takes a dive.

Most Investors Don't Know This Oil Secret...

Briton Ryle
Posted May 19, 2012

You may be interested to know that the latest assessments flowing out of the Bakken suggest there is much more light, sweet crude there than previously believed...

Facebook IPO Hype

Brian Hicks
Posted May 18, 2012

Analyst Ian Cooper explains how readers just realized a 196% Facebook-related gain in less than a week.

Iraqi Dinar Update

Brian Hicks
Posted May 18, 2012

When you feel passionately enough about something, you go to great lengths to get your hands on it. But what about the Iraqi dinar? Why are people so crazy about it these days? Is it really so...

Water for Fracking

Nick Hodge
Posted May 17, 2012

Clean water is the picks and shovels for the fracking industry. The opportunity is huge. But only a few companies are in a position to profit.

The Bull Market to End All Bull Markets...

Brian Hicks
Posted May 16, 2012

Unlike the case is with oil, or gold, or the retail market, the tech market really has no ceiling, no limits, and no boundaries other that those dictated by human imagination.

The 5 Steps to Trading Facebook

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 15, 2012

The five steps to trading an IPO are predictable and tradable. Here's how to tell Facebook to Zuck it.

Buy This Silver Stock Right Now

Brian Hicks
Posted May 14, 2012

Demand for physical gold and silver remain high. However, gold and silver stocks are sitting a multi-month lows - and herein lies our opportunity.

Ten Trading Secrets

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 12, 2012

Christian DeHaemer gives readers the first 10 of his 40 Commandments of Trading.