Wealth Daily Articles


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Facebook IPO

Brian Hicks
Posted May 11, 2012

Analyst Ian Cooper explains why investing in Facebook's IPO is a bad idea, and offers several other profitable alternatives.

The Return of Texas Tea

Brian Hicks
Posted May 10, 2012

Publisher Brian Hicks tells readers about a new oil field on track to produce one million barrels per day this year.

Six Reasons to Sell Oil

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 9, 2012

A drop in oil prices might just be the ticket to launch the U.S. economy above 3% GDP growth and send the Dow to new highs.

Warren Buffett Thinks You're Stupid

Brian Hicks
Posted May 8, 2012

Uncle Warren and his 88-year-old sidekick Charlie Munger are at it again...

The Greatest Investor of Our Time

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 7, 2012

Just left the Lundin office and the Kenya oil play could be THE story of 2012. The pay zone (official numbers coming out soon) could be massive.

Is This CEO a Crook?

Briton Ryle
Posted May 5, 2012

Aubrey McClendon was once a Wall Street and investor favorite as he grew Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK) to be the second largest natural gas company in America, after ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM). Now...

Simple Truths

Brian Hicks
Posted May 4, 2012

I'm often asked by people to explain what it is I do exactly...

Cheap Natural Gas Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted May 4, 2012

Analyst Ian Cooper explains why the latest natural gas price spike won't last, and offers two simple ways to profit in the long term.

Methane Hydrates

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 3, 2012

Though methane clathrate, may seem like something out of an episode of the X-Files, the truth is flaming ice is real, abundant, and believed to have played a part in the massive climate shifts...

Dow Hits New One-Year High

Brian Hicks
Posted May 2, 2012

It's at times like these, when your gut tells you to run, that you absolutely must stand firm... and get ready to buy.

Indian Gold Buying Season

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 1, 2012

Money has to go somewhere, and there is more of it every day. It will go into stocks and hard assets like gold.

The Best and Worst in Natural Gas

Keith Kohl
Posted April 30, 2012

Editor Keith Kohl reveals the best and worst of the natural gas industry.