Wealth Daily Articles


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Lithium Fire Takes out Bronx Supermarket

Alex Koyfman
Posted March 9, 2023

On Sunday, a fire sparked by a defective lithium-ion battery destroyed a supermarket in the Bronx, sending seven people to the hospital. According to the New York City Fire Department, Li-ion...


Alexander Boulden
Posted March 8, 2023

We’ve heard it straight from the experts: Social media is now a national security threat. The problem is no one believes it — and even if they do believe it, they don’t care.

First Ammonia-Powered Ship to Launch This Year

Alex Koyfman
Posted March 7, 2023

Amogy, the Brooklyn-based startup that demonstrated the feasibility of an ammonia-powered semi truck earlier this year, has taken yet another step forward with the announcement of a 100%...

The Almighty Dollar (Index)

Jason Williams
Posted March 6, 2023

There's been a lot of talk about the U.S. Dollar Index lately, but not much about what it is and what it means. Today, Jason Williams explains exactly why it's so important for every investor to...

Amazon Pay Shrinks as Investor Payout Grows

Jason Williams
Posted March 3, 2023

Amazon employees are facing as much as a 50% pay cut while a payment to investors is about to grow by hundreds of millions. If you act fast, you can reserve a cut of the massive payout about to hit!

AI Electric Motors Coming to a Store Near You?

Alex Koyfman
Posted March 2, 2023

Since their advent, electric motors have come with limitations including suboptimal power and torque curves, inefficiency, and increased wear and tear. But one small company has found a way to fix...

This New AI Changes Everything

Alexander Boulden
Posted March 1, 2023

With AI innovation taking place at lightning speed before our very eyes, it's no surprise that Big Tech is freaking out about what it could mean for the industry.

This Battery Can Hold a Charge for 1,000 Years

Alex Koyfman
Posted February 28, 2023

In theory, lithium can help us transition into a carbon-neutral economy... The problem is that lithium itself isn’t exactly renewable. Luckily, the solution is much simpler than most imagine.

Jason Williams’ Top 4 Stocks to Resist Recession

Jason Williams
Posted February 27, 2023

Former investment banker, Jason Williams is back to help you protect your portfolio AND pad your profits with his top four stocks for recession resistance.

These Sectors Could Save You in a Recession

Jason Williams
Posted February 24, 2023

Recessions are hard on stocks, but not all stocks. Today, Jason Williams covers some sectors that outperform when economies shrink and markets crash.

Investing in Ammonia - Saudi Aramco Backs Brooklyn Startup

Alex Koyfman
Posted February 23, 2023

In January, a Brooklyn-based startup unveiled the world’s first ammonia-powered semi truck. To some, it was an experiment. Read on to learn about investing in ammonia...

Social Media Is Doomed to Fail

Alexander Boulden
Posted February 22, 2023

Social media companies aren’t as profitable as they once were. And this week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could bring the social media giants down.