Wealth Daily Articles


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Natural Gas Starts a New Industrial Revolution

Brian Hicks
Posted March 29, 2012

It's a new record for North Dakota: The unemployment rate is less than 1%, the lowest rate ever recorded in the state. The jobs are coming back, and they're high-paying jobs... brought to you by the...

Obamacare Death Watch

Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 28, 2012

It seems impossible that the looming failure of the biggest piece of legislation in a decade wouldn't move the market... but there it is.

See an Exploding Torpedo Dropped in an Oil Well

Brian Hicks
Posted March 27, 2012

It has the unglamorous and nondescript title of U.S. Patent No. 59,936. It might be one of the most valuable patents ever awarded to an American... and it holds the key to untapped fortunes and...

They Just Struck Oil an Hour Ago

Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 26, 2012

Kenya doesn't have just 2.5 billion barrels of oil... Nobody knows for sure how much oil there is in Kenya, but U.S. government geologists estimate the East Africa Rift contains 72 billion barrels...

Oil Heading for Sudden 8% Drop

Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 24, 2012

If Obama releases the oil from the U.S. stockpile, the price will drop 8% within the first two days... and would be 6% lower within ten days.

High Dividend Growth

Brian Hicks
Posted March 23, 2012

Analyst Ian Cooper explains why now, more than ever, is a good time to invest in dividends.

Major Gold Down 15%

Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 22, 2012

The Tuaregs were a key component of Kaddafi's army. After they lost the Libyan war to the U.S. Navy, they returned to Mali heavily trained, heavily armed, and looking for a fight.

Most Important Wonder-Material Since Plastic

Brian Hicks
Posted March 21, 2012

This breakthrough is such a game-changer, I really don't know what the long-term effects of it will be... Perhaps most amazing of all, however, is that between 2008 and 2009, the price of producing...

Rare Earth Investment Opportunity

Jeff Siegel
Posted March 20, 2012

Thanks to M.I.T. researchers, we know exactly which mining stock we want to buy next. Jeff Siegel explains.

What's Good for Apple is Good for America

Brian Hicks
Posted March 19, 2012

Apple finally did it... This morning they announced they'll start distributing the company's almost $100 billion cash pile.

The 2012 FDA Trades

Brian Hicks
Posted March 19, 2012

The easiest money you'll ever make is trading on the FDA. We are seeing, double and triple digit percentage gains, and working of their decisions should be on every investor's mind.