Wealth Daily Articles


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China Buys Record Amounts of Oil

Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 7, 2012

The easiest way to make money is to buy stocks low and sell them high. Here's how it works and here is what is low.

Master Limited Partnerships

Brian Hicks
Posted February 6, 2012

Brian Hicks talks about Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and shows you an income strategy where you literally receive a check in the mail every 3 days.

Hiring Surges in Pimps, Prostitutes and Drug Dealers

Brian Hicks
Posted February 4, 2012

Brian Hicks talks about the recent jobs numbers and where all these jobs are coming from.

More Investors Turn to Gold Coins

Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 3, 2012

Gold has climbed from below $1,600 an ounce to $1,750 an ounce in the last month. And this move came despite the fact that stocks have had their best-performing January since 1997. It is obvious...

The Truth about the Jobs Report

Brian Hicks
Posted February 3, 2012

Our insanely overbought market now runs on a bogus, unsustainable jobs number that left out the millions that gave up looking for work. This isn't a recovery. The truth about jobs.

Utica and Marcellus Shale Natural Gas

Brian Hicks
Posted February 2, 2012

Wheeling, West Virginia, now has an unemployment rate lower than the national average... and it's all thanks to the production of natural gas liquids from the Marcellus formation in the Mountain...

Natural Gas Infrastructure

Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 1, 2012

Around 1400 BC, a goat herder saw a burning flame coming out of a spring. He also noticed his animals acted strangely after wandering near a particular chasm on Mount Parnassus. After investigating...

Gold and Silver Are Headed for Record Highs

Brian Hicks
Posted January 31, 2012

Gold and silver are on fire... and the charts for both are insanely bullish. When the masses jump into gold, even a tiny portion, it'll send the price of gold up dramatically. You'll want to...

Chinese Record Gold Rush

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 30, 2012

The people are looking at inflation moving above 4%, a stock market that has fallen 20%, and a housing market that is about to go tits up. The average Chinese person has the world's highest savings...

Massive Rally in Platinum

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 28, 2012

If you'd bought when I told you to at $1,400 an ounce, you'd be sitting pretty. Platinum is still undervalued, but you might want to wait for a pullback... I'm betting it will bounce south after it...

12 Shocking Facts about the Bakken

Brian Hicks
Posted January 27, 2012

Today I want to tell you about the law of unintended consequences regarding the hyper-speed growth in economic output in the Bakken.

The Only Logical Solution: Buy Gold

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 26, 2012

Please don't send me hatemail for what you are about to read in this article... What I am going to tell you is true. Your disdain for the facts won't change them; shooting the messenger won't change...