Wealth Daily Articles


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Gold Going to $2,200?

Brian Hicks
Posted January 13, 2012

I've been long gold for several years. I'm still long this year. Here's why...

What China is Buying Now

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 12, 2012

Andarko Petroleum (APC), the $40 billion dollar Texas oil company, recently found between 15 and 30 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in the Mozambique Channel. It might be the biggest gas...

Natural Gas, the New King of Energy

Brian Hicks
Posted January 11, 2012

"Everything we do now is based on natural gas. Everything. It's a major shift that'll last for decades..."

Ron Paul's Gold

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 10, 2012

In his book, "End the Fed," Ron Paul says: "Nothing good can come from the Federal Reserve. It is the biggest taxer of them all. Diluting the value of the dollar by increasing its supply is a...

Protect Yourself Against Higher Gasoline Prices

Brian Hicks
Posted January 9, 2012

Some energy analysts are predicting a 50% jump in the price of oil if the situation in Iran turns into an armed conflict or an oil blockade... As a technical analyst, I'm starting to think that...

As Iran Situation Deteriorates, Europe Throws Fuel on the Fire

Brian Hicks
Posted January 7, 2012

Instability such as the kind we're seeing escalating in the Persian Gulf at this very moment promises to shift the balance of the oil market back to North America long before the Arab oil empire...

The Gold/Platinum Ratio

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 6, 2012

Platinum jewelry is expected to make up to 25%-30% of total Indian jewelry sales in 2012. This comes in a market in which total jewelry sales in India are growing about 12% a year.

Oil Price Forecast for 2012

Brian Hicks
Posted January 5, 2012

Yesterday legendary market strategist and forecaster Byron Wien released his Top 10 Predictions for the coming year. He went eight for ten last year... a solid reason you should listen to what this...

Charts of the Week: Groupon Takes a Dive

Brian Hicks
Posted January 4, 2012

Groupon, Wallmart, and Acme in today's market. Take a look at the charts and see the trends.

The Two-Faced God of Money

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 4, 2012

As ruler of Latium, Janus was said to have invented money and ruled over a golden age. He solved the problem with the Fed in a simple manner: His money wasn't based on gold, nor on the full faith...

The Q1 2012 FDA Trades

Brian Hicks
Posted January 4, 2012

We have been trading on the FDA for years with solid success. Here's what we're looking at and how to be in the right place at the right time.

6 Stocks that Outperformed the Dow in 2011

Brian Hicks
Posted January 3, 2012

This stock's performance underscores a major trend that will be here for the next two decades...