Wealth Daily Articles


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China Screws the World -- Again.

Brian Hicks
Posted December 19, 2011

China bars a major rare earth distributor from export, and may cause international supply constraints.

Housing Bust in China

Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 19, 2011

For the past fifteen years or so, we've been reading about how China was going to take over the world... In many ways, this has come to pass.

Your Money's All Gone...

Brian Hicks
Posted December 19, 2011

It's been a year of hell for stock funds and clients alike. Look at some of these numbers, and who's to blame for this mess.

Forget a 2012 Crash... Get Ready for This

Brian Hicks
Posted December 18, 2011

Recent market volatility is strong indicator what's coming next. History says the results are going to surprise most investors.

Utilities Investments: High Income and Safe Gains Ahead

Brian Hicks
Posted December 16, 2011

Electricity prices have risen steadily for decades... and are about to leap higher. Utility stocks will be the big winners.

2011: Hedge Funds in Review

Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2011

Analyst Ian Cooper takes a look at hedge fund performances in 2011, and explains how they can improve for 2012.

Shock: Housing Worse than Feared

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2011

Unfortunately, housing is still in the toilet, and recovery is a ways off. After all the 'housing is bottom' news we've been getting, you wouldn't expect CNBC to run this story.

Farmland Blows Up in 2011

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2011

Forget "Correlation": This sector just scored historically high profits and is swimming in cash.

Update: Netflix up on Buyout Speculation

Brian Hicks
Posted December 13, 2011

Buyout rumors provide Netflix with some stock push, but are the rumors true or just speculation? Look into the outlook on Netflix.

Iran Threatens to Send Oil to $200 a Barrel

Brian Hicks
Posted December 13, 2011

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the latest saber rattling in the Strait of Hormuz, and explains why predictions of $200 a barrel might actually be on the light side...

Exposing the Bakken Boom

Brian Hicks
Posted December 12, 2011

If you were to ask me about my concept of the American dream, I'd tell you about what's happening to people in Williston, North Dakota, the cradle of the North American oil shale revolution... and...

The Best Energy Trades for 2012: Part II

Brian Hicks
Posted December 10, 2011

Analyst Ian Cooper explains how Warren Buffett is making a fortune from North Dakota - and offers ways to profit.