Wealth Daily Articles


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What did the Fed know?

Brian Hicks
Posted December 1, 2011

The Fed's inflationary move does nothing to solve Europe's crisis. Nothing. More from the why the Fed continues to make bad decisions.

Fed Declares War on Dollar

Brian Hicks
Posted November 30, 2011

What happens to U.S. stocks - and gold - when Europe catches fire?

2012 Stock Market Forecast

Brian Hicks
Posted November 29, 2011

Editor Steve Christ takes a look into his crystal ball and makes his 2012 stock market forecast.

Updated: Peak Oil for Dummies

Brian Hicks
Posted November 28, 2011

The oil critics continue to get peak oil wrong, and it's almost comical at this point. You should already know that peak oil is here, and happening now.

Enjoy the Rally while it Lasts...

Brian Hicks
Posted November 28, 2011

Aspects behind the current rally as simply not the facts, expounded upon by a non existent bailout package to Italy.

My 5 Rules for Successful Investing

Brian Hicks
Posted November 28, 2011

When I look back now, I realize I was just lazy. I didn't want to deal with the day-to-day requirements of constantly monitoring my investments. So I decided to let somebody else, "the expert," deal...

How to Trade Gold in 2012

Brian Hicks
Posted November 26, 2011

Analyst Ian Cooper offers his view of where gold could trade in the year ahead and offers three simple ways to trade it.

OPEC and Obama Team Up to Fight Major Energy Breakthrough

Brian Hicks
Posted November 25, 2011

The world's energy elites fight to prevent a new energy revolution... and will still lose.

Leveraging the Worst Holiday Season in a Decade

Brian Hicks
Posted November 23, 2011

The numbers all add up to a failed retail holiday season.

Four Ways to Invest in Cyber Security

Brian Hicks
Posted November 22, 2011

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the growing menace in cyberspace and offers investors four ways to play the trend.

WTC Ramps, LNG to Follow?

Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 21, 2011

Reverse pipelines, Brent spreads, time to buy UNG? What company tripled?

Proof that Gold ETFs Are a Fraud

Brian Hicks
Posted November 19, 2011

Over the course of the last eight years, since the creation of the precious metals ETFs, I have maintained and repeatedly stated my opinion that these gold and silver financial products were...