Wealth Daily Articles


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Gold and Silver Price Rally Imminent

Brian Hicks
Posted November 18, 2011

The US deficit is way up, and European markets are on shaky ground. So while gold is up there is not enough to go around. Why you should put your money in silver.

The Golden Lie

Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 17, 2011

There is only one reason to buy gold, and that's because you can't make any money from bonds.

Anadarko Petroleum's Historic Oil Discovery

Brian Hicks
Posted November 17, 2011

Analyst Ian Cooper takes a look at Anadarko Petroleum's latest billion-barrel oil find in the Niobrara Shale in the Midwest United States.

Pocket Full of Euro Gold

Brian Hicks
Posted November 16, 2011

This is what a Transatlantic currency war will do to the price of gold and oil.

The Next Mega-Trend in Housing

Brian Hicks
Posted November 15, 2011

Editor Steve Christ discusses the next mega-trend in the housing market.

Where Insider Trading is Perfectly Legal

Brian Hicks
Posted November 14, 2011

Here's a 60 Minutes video on the rampant trading your congressmen are currently enjoying. Why and how they get away with highway robbery.

Goldmine of the Future

Brian Hicks
Posted November 14, 2011

When I recently discovered that some of the wealthiest and most successful resource investors in North America were putting their own money into this project, I hopped on a plane with Nick Hodge and...

The Duality of Markets

Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 12, 2011

On this Veterans Day, the dual markets of Europe and the United States reminded me of a vignette from the Vietnam War film "Full Metal Jacket." The EU and the U.S. have very similar economies: We...

Investing Successfully in an Era of Crisis

Brian Hicks
Posted November 11, 2011

Investors will find bigger, faster profits in an era where everything feels far worse than it is.

Investors: Quit Screwing Around and Buy Something

Brian Hicks
Posted November 10, 2011

The real reason why the insiders have no faith is hidden in an empty shipping container.

America's Oil Boomtown

Mike Munno
Posted November 9, 2011

Why more investors are paying attention to America's Boomtown.

America's Oil Boomtown

Brian Hicks
Posted November 9, 2011

Why more investors are paying attention to America's Boomtown.