Wealth Daily Articles


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Hot Stocks for 2012

Brian Hicks
Posted November 8, 2011

Editor Steve Christ explains how the "code wars" have just begun, and why cyber security investments are going to be hot stocks in 2012.

Oil to $120

Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 7, 2011

One good number will launch the price of oil overnight.

The Old College Lie

Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2011

You'll have to be in the top 1% to pay for college

China Joins the LED Revolution

Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2011

China just announced it's phasing out incandescent bulbs over the next five years in an attempt to “make the world's most polluting nation more energy efficient.”

Top Investors Eye European Mining Renaissance

Brian Hicks
Posted November 5, 2011

Governments move to tap large natural resource reserves and attract big investors into Europe's forgotten mining industry.

One Indicator Signals Big Boom for New Technology

Brian Hicks
Posted November 4, 2011

History shows big gains to follow soon for investors getting in now.

CNN Can't Find France...

Brian Hicks
Posted November 3, 2011

Either CNN doesn't know geography... or France moved overnight. What's wrong with this picture?

2011 Market Panic

Brian Hicks
Posted November 3, 2011

Analyst Ian Cooper takes a look at Lehman 2.0, what could trigger the next Black Swan moment, and offers an easy way to call tops and bottoms.

The One Buy Signal That Matters Most

Brian Hicks
Posted November 2, 2011

Economics ought to matter more. But in the end, this action speaks louder than any stat and statement.

Market Rebound: The Road to DOW 14,000

Brian Hicks
Posted November 1, 2011

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the expansion and tells us why better days are ahead.

It's the Triple Dip for Housing

Brian Hicks
Posted October 31, 2011

You want housing to hit bottom already? Let it run its course. Let all the bad news come out. Let foreclosures flow. Let it crumble..How to solve the housing crisis once and for all

MF Global Files for Bankruptcy

Brian Hicks
Posted October 31, 2011

Dick Bove tried to convince CNBC's audience of millions that all was fine – and that a buyer would emerge – with MF Global, last week. Today, MF Global heads to bankruptcy court.