Wealth Daily Articles


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Two High-Yield Real Estate Dividend Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted October 11, 2011

Editor Steve Christ explains how underwater homeowners help create juicy dividends for REIT investors.

Precious Metals Investing

Brian Hicks
Posted October 10, 2011

In reality, QE3 is just another attempt at protecting the banks under the guise of supporting the housing market. You simply have to choose as an investor whether you want to be part of the...

Beat Them at Their Own Game

Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 8, 2011

Some would think the boom from nowhere pushing the S&P 500 Index out of bear-market territory would be good news... but it's not.

Junior Gold Stocks Set to Soar

Brian Hicks
Posted October 7, 2011

Share prices down, interest down, fundamentals strong and getting stronger... It's time to buy junior resource stocks now.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Brian Hicks
Posted October 6, 2011

It is a sad day for Apple, as the company reveals that its founder and leader, Steve Jobs, has died. Words from Apple's website, and Jobs' commencement speech from Stanford.

Protests in America 2011

Brian Hicks
Posted October 6, 2011

Analyst Ian Cooper takes a look at where today's investors have gone wrong, and interviews one of those arrested at the Brooklyn Bridge.

What If Everyone in the World Was Given a Piece of Gold?

Brian Hicks
Posted October 5, 2011

How much gold would you receive if the total amount of physical gold was divided out amongst the world's population?

42% of Workers Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Brian Hicks
Posted October 5, 2011

42% of workers report they always or usually live paycheck to paycheck just to make ends meet. Take-home pay, adjusted for prices, fell 0.3 percent in August, the third decrease in five months, and...

Guide to the Collapse of China and Europe

Brian Hicks
Posted October 5, 2011

There is a disaster bearing down on the American Financials. Here's how to profit.

Cyber Security Expert: "Mass Casualties" Possible

Brian Hicks
Posted October 4, 2011

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the next generation of warfare and the prospect of a digital dirty bomb.

Patchouli-Laced Riots

Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 3, 2011

Here at Wealth Daily, we've been waiting for the riots for some time. I've been recommending readers of my Crisis and Opportunity newsletter buy up riot stocks: companies like Sturm, Ruger &...

Warren Buffett is Wrong...

Brian Hicks
Posted October 3, 2011

Warren Buffett and a majority of the other financial gurus are saying we aren't headed for a recession. Why they're wrong on what's to come.