Wealth Daily Articles


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Gold Spikes After Oslo Bombing

Brian Hicks
Posted July 22, 2011

The price of gold spiked today immediately following a terrorist attack in Oslo, Norway. In the nation's worst attack since WWII, at least seven people have been confirmed dead with another 15...

Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU) Stock

Brian Hicks
Posted July 21, 2011

Analyst Ian Cooper shares reader feedback regarding peak coal and offers two ways to profit from the coal demand supercycle.

How to Play the 2011 Blackouts

Brian Hicks
Posted July 21, 2011

Beat the heat, and the blackouts, by making money. The companies that have the most potential and value as the summer continues to oppress.

Regenerative Breakthroughs: Tomorrow's Medicine Today

Brian Hicks
Posted July 20, 2011

Editor Steve Christ explains why the promise of regenerative medicine is worthy of the hype.

Memetics Reveals Gold's Next Move

Brian Hicks
Posted July 19, 2011

Memetics reveals a peculiar fold in the futures chart that could mean even more gains for gold holders!

Stocks to Watch: Human Genome (HGSI)

Brian Hicks
Posted July 19, 2011

Thursday is when Human Genome releases it Q2 2011 earnings, the day investors will learn if its Benlysta drug (a treatment of lupus) is being prescribed well. What we think on the buy.

Chart of the Day: Airlines at Support

Brian Hicks
Posted July 19, 2011

While most airlines are struggling, two are holding. Are they worth a buy? Taking a peak into our Options Trading Coach chart.

Housing Starts up 15%

Brian Hicks
Posted July 19, 2011

Housing starts jumped in the last year, and for some reason people are actually excited by this. The media continues is bullish on the bottom, but we aren't there yet.

Great Opportunity in Argentina

Christian DeHaemer
Posted July 18, 2011

The sky was velvet blue over Mongolia's windswept steppes the day I almost died.

The Next Leg Up for Gold

Brian Hicks
Posted July 17, 2011

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the Fed's August meeting in Jackson Hole, explaining why QE3 is waiting in the wings.

80% of Americans Want Higher Taxes

Brian Hicks
Posted July 15, 2011

Obama claims “80 percent of the public supports Democrats' demand for tax increases.”

Investing in Silver Bullion Coins

Brian Hicks
Posted July 15, 2011

Founder and Publisher Brian Hicks gives investment details on the best (and worst) silver bullion coins for investment today.