Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (9326) Articles

The New Fort Knox

Luke Burgess
Posted May 20, 2011

If you think the recent, highly-publicized gold-buying mania is merely the result of a handful of panicking investors, urged along by a couple contrarian billionaire types... think again. Today...

Food Crisis Stocks 2011

Brian Hicks
Posted May 19, 2011

Editor Ian Cooper takes a look at just how severely food prices could rise, given recent floods and a stark warning from a prominent CEO.

China Just Expanded the Rare Earth Quota

Brian Hicks
Posted May 19, 2011

China just announced it would expand its rare earth quotas to include iron alloys containing the elements, leaving room for investors to profit.

ASCO 2011 Abstracts Tonight

Brian Hicks
Posted May 18, 2011

The ASCO 2011 abstracts are being released tonight at 6 ET. We've done pretty well with the ASCO 2011 trades so far. We took 49% and 110% gains on Medivation (MDVN). We took 28% on half of Dendreon...

Fed is Lying... They Can't Stop New Rounds of QE

Brian Hicks
Posted May 18, 2011

Peter Schiff says "the Fed has no recourse but to continue quantitative easing to avoid an economic collapse," and why you should buy silver and gold now. Watch the video.

Inflation Will Cut Your Bank Account in Half

Brian Hicks
Posted May 18, 2011

It's all robbery, whether it's copper in Quincy or dollars in Washington.

Gold Aimed at $6,500/oz, Silver... $600/oz

Brian Hicks
Posted May 17, 2011

Whether you bought gold at $600, $1,000, or $1500 an ounce, it really won't matter much when gold is trading at $6500 an ounce or more. The same can be said for silver...

Black Gold

Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 16, 2011

Editor Chris DeHaemer writes from Kenya, detailing for readers a trip dedicated to the search for the last great oil reserves on the planet.

Weekend: Greenspan's Secret Gold Standard

Brian Hicks
Posted May 14, 2011

Editor Steve Christ reveals the workings of an unlikely gold bug and his secret gold standard.

Are Silver Prices Collapsing?

Brian Hicks
Posted May 13, 2011

Silver prices have fallen nearly 30% in less than two weeks after several large hedge funds liquidated commodity positions across the board. Are silver prices collapsing? Or is this just a...

The Student Loan Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted May 12, 2011

Editor Ian Cooper examines the crippling debt that many college student graduates are facing these days, and offers two ways to profit from it.

Get Ultra-Bullish on Rare Earths... Here's Why.

Brian Hicks
Posted May 12, 2011

Thanks to the Fiscal Year 2012 National Defense Authorization bill (HR 1540), one provision gives US manufacturers a major incentive to go after American rare earth. Read the good news.