Wealth Daily Articles


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The Fed Blows a Cupcake Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted January 13, 2011

Analyst Adam Sharp examines the cupcake craze and the recent IPO of Crumbs Inc., the largest retail cupcake store in the United States.

The 2011 Foreclosure Flood

Brian Hicks
Posted January 13, 2011

It's hardly news these days, but the latest numbers on foreclosures speak for themselves. Again, it proves that the bottom in housing is nowhere in sight. Here's the latest.

The $600 Billion Gamble

Brian Hicks
Posted January 12, 2011

The Fed has been putting up billions on bond buying, and this gamble isn't in Bernanke's favor. Why the backfire could be a disaster.

Horizontal Drilling Makes for Vertical Profits

Brian Hicks
Posted January 12, 2011

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the development of horizontal drilling and explains why oil is the key to vertical profits.

Junior Gold Stocks to Shine in 2011

Brian Hicks
Posted January 11, 2011

Analyst Greg McCoach discusses investing in junior mining stocks in 2011.

Big Ben's Stimulus Party: Only the Top 20% Received an Invite

Brian Hicks
Posted January 10, 2011

What if they threw a recovery party and only the top 20% showed up? The Fed bond purchases looking to boost Wall Street as luxury markets flourish.

Six Stocks for the Next Ten Years

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 10, 2011

Editor Chris DeHaemer explains which stocks he's betting on to pay for his kids' college education.

Weekend: Don't Buy the Hype Behind Facebook

Brian Hicks
Posted January 8, 2011

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at this week's Facebook deal and offers Mark Zuckerberg some free advice.

It's Time for Bernanke to Just Go Away

Brian Hicks
Posted January 7, 2011

He's already lied to us before... why trust him now?

Jon Stewart on the Nanny State

Brian Hicks
Posted January 7, 2011

I found this one over on the Lew Rockwell Blog. They hate the Nanny State as much as I do. Comedian or not, Jon Stewart nails this one.

Investing in Yukon Gold Stocks 2011

Luke Burgess
Posted January 7, 2011

Analyst Luke Burgess discusses investing in Yukon gold stocks and gives advice concerning entry times.

Grocer Margin Squeeze

Brian Hicks
Posted January 6, 2011

Editor Ian Cooper offers ways to profit from grocer margin squeezes as agflation pressures mount.