Wealth Daily Articles


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The 2011 Dogs of the Dow

Brian Hicks
Posted December 16, 2010

It's time to buy into the Dogs of the Dow theory again. And the theory in practice isn't too shabby. Take a look at its track record.

Debt Riots Break Out in Greece

Brian Hicks
Posted December 16, 2010

Analyst Adam Sharp writes of social unrest in the streets of Greece's capital city, and what this means for the markets...

China Screws the World... Again.

Brian Hicks
Posted December 16, 2010

China wants to keep more of its rare earths to itself... jacking up duties in the new year “in a move to limit shipments overseas of the exotic metals.”

Roubini's Advice: Lend, Hope, Pray

Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2010

Economist Nouriel Roubini lays out his predictions on the economy, and sees more under developed nations making the biggest gain in GDP, echoing a growing consensus.

H5N1: Heads You Live, Tails You Die

Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2010

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the flu season and explains why the H5N1 virus is the ultimate nightmare.

Best Buy Sales Stink, Stank, Stunk

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2010

Christmas not kind to Best Buy. Stock takes a big dive as the market reacts to the far from projected sales.

The Armageddon Hedge

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2010

Analyst Greg McCoach uncovers the truth behind the global banking system and reveals his most important strategy to avoid the financial woes caused by those of charge of it.

Chanos Calls BS on China...Again

Brian Hicks
Posted December 13, 2010

Here's the latest word on China from bearish hedge fund manager James Chanos. “China,” he says, “will be the story of the new year.” Adam Smith will prevail.

I Want Me Gold

Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 13, 2010

Editor Chris DeHaemer spells out why investors shouldn't wait another second to buy gold and oil.

Weekend: 2011 Stock Market Forecast

Brian Hicks
Posted December 11, 2010

Editor Steve Christ looks into the old crystal ball with his 2011 market forecast.

China Gold Demand Soars

Luke Burgess
Posted December 10, 2010

Analyst Luke Burgess reveals startling new data that shows gold demand soaring in China, and details two junior gold stocks that are set to head higher as the companies develop new resources to...

Ron Paul Puts the Fed In the Crosshairs

Brian Hicks
Posted December 10, 2010

Ben Bernanke's arch nemesis Ron Paul will be leading the congressional sub committee overseeing the fed. We should count on some serious hearings to come.