Wealth Daily Articles


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Always Bet Against the Suckers

Brian Hicks
Posted December 9, 2010

Publisher Brian Hicks explains to readers the philosophy behind his "Rudeness Indicator" and why he recently went bullish on Obama.

Zillow: Another $1.7 Trillion to the Downside in Housing

Brian Hicks
Posted December 9, 2010

Housing still looks bleak, and the bottom is nowhere in sight, as Zillow releases its data highlighting a massive $1.7 trillion loss for home values in the coming year.

The R-4 Trigger System

Brian Hicks
Posted December 8, 2010

Editor Ian Cooper discusses the technical trading system that delivered a 35% gain in less than a day.

Jon Stewart's Big Bank Theory

Brian Hicks
Posted December 8, 2010

Here's the latest from funny man Jon Stewart. In it he once again destroys our old pal and printer extraordinaire-- Ben Bernanke.

Money to Burn: 10% of Cash Supply to be Destroyed

Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2010

Your tax dollars at work, a full 10% of all existing U.S. currency is going to be quarantined and burned at a cost of over $120 million.

Google's Endless Ambition

Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2010

Analyst Adam Sharp tells readers why it's an exciting time for Google shareholders as they win the smart phone wars, build robot cars, sell e-books, and get into the travel industry.

How You Should Have Been Trading Energy

Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2010

Here's our actual Pure Asset Trader portfolio since I took the reins in November 2007. This includes all losses and all winners. One of the best records around, enjoy.

Ultra-Deepwater Rigs are Back

Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 6, 2010

Editor Chris DeHaemer gives readers the two trends of the next ten years, and how you can benefit from them.

2011 Housing Market Forecast

Brian Hicks
Posted December 4, 2010

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the U.S. real estate market and offer his 2011 housing market forecast.

The End of the U.S. Dollar

Brian Hicks
Posted December 3, 2010

Analyst Greg McCoach discusses the fallout after four decades of systematic abuse to the U.S. dollar.

Wikileaks to Banks: You're Next

Brian Hicks
Posted December 2, 2010

Wikileaks next "megaleak" will target a large U.S. bank, according to Wikileaks' Julian Assange.

Black Friday Madness

Brian Hicks
Posted December 2, 2010

Black Friday is upon us again, but the ridiculousness may be quelled this year as many consumers say they will hold back.