Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (9325) Articles

China Lied...

Brian Hicks
Posted November 10, 2010

Unspoken Chinese embargo against Japan may have far reaching consequences, and may shed some light on some US action.

Bernanke Has Lost All Credibility

Brian Hicks
Posted November 9, 2010

Analyst Adam Sharp breaks down the Fed's latest blunders, as Chairman Bernanke is caught in a mis-statement of sorts.

U.S. Credit Downgraded

Brian Hicks
Posted November 9, 2010

It's painfully obvious that the American dollar is going to be worth nothing in a few years. And downgrades like this one, from Chinese creditors, could easily become commonplace.

Prepare for $100, $200... even $300 Oil

Brian Hicks
Posted November 9, 2010

According to the International Energy Agency, China energy demand could rise some 75% over the next 25 years... and if supply fails to keep pace, prices will rocket.

Fleckenstein vs. Biggs on QE2

Brian Hicks
Posted November 9, 2010

Bill Fleckenstein leaves the Fed's central planning model in ruins as he sets the record straight on the matter in this Bloomberg video.

Agflation is Here: Hate to Say I told you So...

Brian Hicks
Posted November 9, 2010

Prices of staples including milk, beef, coffee, cocoa and sugar have risen sharply in recent months. If you thought your $200 weekly grocery bill was bad, just wait. It's about to jump 20% to 30%...

Yamana Gold Triples Dividend Payment

Luke Burgess
Posted November 8, 2010

Analyst Luke Burgess reports on the latest major gold stock to increase its dividend payments.

Profit from Currency Wars

Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 8, 2010

Editor Chris DeHaemer explains China's revenge as the global economy experiences a re-balancing act.

Ben Plans, Commodities Soar

Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2010

Editor Steve Christ take a look the latest run of the printing presses and explains why commodities are primed to head higher from here.

The Truth About Rare Earth Supply and Demand

Brian Hicks
Posted November 5, 2010

Editor Ian Cooper uncovers why we're still in desperate need of rare earths despite deflating bubble theories and half truths.

Hoenig: QE2 May Lead to "future instability"

Brian Hicks
Posted November 5, 2010

Thomas Hoenig’s views on the Fed and QE2. Read up on the experts thoughts on the current and future situation.

George Soros' $32.6 million Junior Platinum Stock Investment

Luke Burgess
Posted November 4, 2010

Analyst Luke Burgess discusses billionaire investor George Soros' recent $32.6 million investment in junior platinum and palladium company Platinum Group Metals Ltd.