Wealth Daily Articles


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New Housing Data Provides a Mixed Bag

Brian Hicks
Posted October 27, 2010

The end of the month is always about the latest housing numbers. So far, it has been a mixed bag as housing sales jump, but home buyer tax credits hit their deadline.

Obama's Biggest Mistake...

Brian Hicks
Posted October 27, 2010

Obama and Bernanke are likely to issue QE2... but it'll disappoint, and it won't be enough. It'll drive the dollar down, and commodities through the roof, killing any chances of a Main Street...

Why Rich People are Living in Tents

Brian Hicks
Posted October 27, 2010

Publisher Brian Hicks describes a very different kind of housing crisis unfolding in the U.S.

Apple to Buy Netflix?

Brian Hicks
Posted October 26, 2010

Apple may look to buy Netflix, and some analysts think the marriage could work. A Gleacher analyst report from CNBC.

Urban Mining: The Search for Rare Earth Elements

Luke Burgess
Posted October 25, 2010

Japan is beginning to actively pursue the recycling of e-waste in a new process called "urban mining" to mitigate the country's dependence on China for rare earth elements.

New Rare Earth Developments

Brian Hicks
Posted October 25, 2010

Editor Ian Cooper uncovers how the World Trade Organization gave rare earth stocks another six months of upside.

The Greatest Momentum Story of 2010...

Brian Hicks
Posted October 25, 2010

We were talking about rare earth shortages before anyone else was, and now its paying off. Where you should put your investments for easy profits.

Weekend: Profit from the Foreclosure Fraud

Brian Hicks
Posted October 23, 2010

Editor Ian Cooper exposes the banking spin behind one of the worst crises of 2010.

Gold Outperforming Gold Stocks in 2010

Luke Burgess
Posted October 23, 2010

With just over two months left in 2010, the price of gold is outperforming share prices of the world's largest companies that mine the precious yellow metal.

The QE2 Rap Song

Brian Hicks
Posted October 22, 2010

Here's a video from a year ago that makes more sense everyday. The battle rages on, and Hayek is right by the way, speculative bubbles lead to malinvestment—big time.

The Definitive Guide to Gold Dividend Stocks

Luke Burgess
Posted October 22, 2010

Analyst Luke Burgess gives investors a current perspective of gold dividend stocks and reveals the top three highest-yield gold dividend stocks on the market today.

Sweeping Fraud under the Rug

Brian Hicks
Posted October 22, 2010

We have been told time and again, that we are in a recovery, but does it feel like one? Here is more on the spin coming from the big banks as more and more fraudulent mortgages surface.