Wealth Daily Articles


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Mortgage Bankers Assoc. Defaults on Loan

Brian Hicks
Posted October 22, 2010

Jon Stewart and The Daily Show staff reveal that the Mortgage Bankers Association defaulted on the loan for their corporate headquarters.

Google's "Double Irish" Costs Billions Here at Home

Brian Hicks
Posted October 21, 2010

When many companies get huge they tend to forget their national roots, and there’s one little problem with the current arrangement: once the money is moved overseas it rarely comes back home.

Friedman Was Right: The World Really is Flat

Brian Hicks
Posted October 21, 2010

Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the global economy and how to create jobs here at home.

I Think I'm Turning Japanese

Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 20, 2010

Editor Christian DeHaemer tells readers why the Japanese yen is overvalued, the Bank of Japan is set to destroy it, and how you can make money as a result.

New York Fed Suing Bank of America...

Brian Hicks
Posted October 19, 2010

Time may be up on big banks as Bank of America will be taken to court for billions on mortgage bonds, and they should be very worried.

Whistleblower Speaks: The Truth Behind Foreclosures

Brian Hicks
Posted October 19, 2010

Here is an eye opening account of the mortgage and foreclosure debacle, straight from someone who was behind all of the mess.

Banana Republic Chronicles: Mozilo Gets a Slap on the Wrist

Brian Hicks
Posted October 19, 2010

Editor Steve Christ looks at the state of the banana republic as folks like Angelo Mozilo laugh all the way to the bank.

Jim Rogers: Obama "doesn't know anything about economics"

Brian Hicks
Posted October 19, 2010

Here's Jim Rogers again. This time he appeared on Fox News to talk up gold, silver and commodities among other things.

Avoid Banks Like the Plague, Buy Tech

Brian Hicks
Posted October 18, 2010

Analyst Adam Sharp is steering clear of financial stocks, and sticking with solid tech and commodity plays.

Weekend Edition: QE2 Sets Sail

Brian Hicks
Posted October 16, 2010

Editor Steve Christ discusses QE2 and how investors should position themselves against these central bankers

Top 3 Aluminum Stocks to Play Soaring Demand in China

Luke Burgess
Posted October 15, 2010

Editor Luke Burgess reveals the top three stocks to play soaring demand for aluminum and aluminum-based products in China.

Sri Lanka Boom Times

Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 14, 2010

Editor Chris DeHaemer explains why it's boom or bust for Sri Lanka.