Wealth Daily Articles


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Hoenig: QE2 Won't Work

Brian Hicks
Posted October 13, 2010

Kansas Fed President Thomas Hoenig is no big fan of QE2. How he sees the benefits play out against the risks in the future.

QE2 is a Waste of Time

Brian Hicks
Posted October 13, 2010

Morgan Stanley's Stephen Roach, for one, says that QE is one big waste of time. He, too, understands that global imbalances can’t be resolved with kick the can policies. Must watch video.

China Flexes Rare Earth Muscles

Brian Hicks
Posted October 13, 2010

Publisher Brian Hicks tells readers why recent events between two ancient Eastern rivals are a linchpin in the rare earth metals story, and how investors can now be poised for profit.

Goldman Sachs' New 12-Month Gold Forecast: $1,650 an Ounce

Luke Burgess
Posted October 12, 2010

Investment powerhouse Goldman Sachs now believes gold may rally more that 20 percent from this month's record to $1,650 an ounce in 12 months citing further quantitative easing in the United States...

Jim Cramer: $30 Silver

Luke Burgess
Posted October 12, 2010

Reporter Alix Steel talks with Jim Cramer about the possiblity of silver reaching $30 an ounce on TheStreet.com TV. Steel reports to Cramer on several silver plays including Coeur d'Alene Mines...

Google Invests in Automated Cars

Brian Hicks
Posted October 12, 2010

Analyst Adam Sharp examines Google's automated "self-driving" cars. Is it a smart investment or a waste of capital for GOOG shareholders?

Offshore Drilling Ban Lifted. But...

Brian Hicks
Posted October 12, 2010

The Obama administration has lifted the ban on offshore deepwater oil drilling, but the devil is in the details as the announcement may just be a moot point.

Investing in Diet Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted October 11, 2010

Editor Ian Cooper uncovers the seasonal "baggage" stocks that historically run this part of year.

Hitler on ForeclosureGate

Brian Hicks
Posted October 11, 2010

A brilliant look at foreclosure fraud through a dubbed video of Hitler. Despite their separate negative connotations, the combination is classic.

Weekend: ASPO-USA Peak Oil Conference

Brian Hicks
Posted October 9, 2010

Editor Ian Cooper takes a look at the week's most anticipated peak oil conference, and offers a rebuttal to naive critics.

Jon Stewart on the Foreclosure Fiasco

Brian Hicks
Posted October 8, 2010

There is no other way to describe the foreclosure scenario other than to call it a fiasco, and it's rife with fraud. Without comment, here is Jon Stewart’s take on the developing mess.

ForeclosureGate: Another Bank Scandal

Brian Hicks
Posted October 8, 2010

Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC explores the latest bank scandal, involving hundreds of thousands of fraudulent bank foreclosures.