Wealth Daily Articles


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Meredith Whitney Predicts a Housing Double-Dip

Brian Hicks
Posted June 22, 2010

Appearing on CNBC yesterday, Whitney threw a dose of reality on usual suspects as she delivered the bad news that things really weren't that rosy in the housing market.

The Transocean (NYSE:RIG) Selloff

Brian Hicks
Posted June 21, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper explores Transocean's troubles and explains why it may be a buy as news gets out.

BP and the 1979 Ixtoc I Disaster

Brian Hicks
Posted June 19, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper compares the 2010 BP spill to the second worst oil disaster of 1979, and offers two ways to profit.

Jon Stewart On 40 Years of Broken Energy Promises

Brian Hicks
Posted June 18, 2010

Over forty years and thousands of promises later we are worse off than when we started this crusade. Jon Stewart weighs in.

Afghanistan Mineral Discovery: A $1 Trillion Find

Luke Burgess
Posted June 18, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Luke Burgess details the massive $1 trillion mineral discovery in Afghanistan, but warns investors to put their money in safer, more stable regions of the world.

U.S. Silver Eagle Sales Hit 24-Year Record

Luke Burgess
Posted June 17, 2010

Continuing financial uncertainty is quickly boosting silver's appeal as a precious metal. As a result, the white metal is rapidly the investment choice for those who recognize its traditional role...

The Mother of All Bailouts: FRE and FNM

Brian Hicks
Posted June 17, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and explains why they are the main act in the fed's magic act and the mother of all bailouts.

Marc Faber: "Governments have become like a cancer"

Brian Hicks
Posted June 17, 2010

Here's the word from Marc Faber at his bearish best, needless to say, but when you write something called “The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report” you lean towards the morose.

Natural Gas Could Soon Double

Brian Hicks
Posted June 17, 2010

Natural gas is coming back and could soon double as our move is, in contrast to the herd, go long on natural gas.

President Obama is Wrong: Why Fossil Fuels Remain the Future

Christian DeHaemer
Posted June 16, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Christian DeHaemer tells readers the three reasons to buy natural gas.

Housing Starts Slip as Homebuilders Become Less Confident

Brian Hicks
Posted June 16, 2010

There's more bad news for the builders. In the aftermath of the home buyer tax credit, starts and permits have dwindled as the rush to beat the deadline boosted earlier sales figures.

Behavioral Economics and Investing

Brian Hicks
Posted June 15, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ examines behavioral economics and investing and reveals how emotions can lead to losses.