Wealth Daily Articles


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Greece Cut to Junk

Brian Hicks
Posted June 14, 2010

The fates have spoken and Greece’s credit rating was cut four steps to non-investment grade, or junk, by Moody’s Investors Service, which cited the country’s economic “risks.

Perfect Storm for Palladium Prices

Brian Hicks
Posted June 14, 2010

Analyst Adam Sharp examines the investment potential of palladium, a precious metal with unique properties and demand profile.

Why Ben Bernanke Is Wrong

Brian Hicks
Posted June 12, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ talks about the U.S. consumer and explains why Ben Bernanke is wrong about a double dip.

Live BP Oil Spill Camera

Brian Hicks
Posted June 12, 2010

A live look in at the BP oil spill in the Gulf, and accounts from more than one source about harassment, and it's not just from BP officials.

How China Will Corner the World's Gold Supply

Brian Hicks
Posted June 11, 2010

As the status of the U.S. dollar comes into question as a reserve currency, Contributing Editor Jim Amrhein speculates what China's reaction will be.

Stock-Picking Contest Update: We Have a Winner

Brian Hicks
Posted June 11, 2010

Announcing the Results from Wealth Daily's first stock-picking contest: Readers racked up 136% returns over 30 days.

BP to Cut its Shareholder Dividend?

Brian Hicks
Posted June 11, 2010

As the Gulf Oil Spill continues to spread disaster in the region, it may also spell disaster for shareholder dividends.

Hitler on the Pension Tsunami

Brian Hicks
Posted June 11, 2010

A brilliant look at the pension tsunami through a dubbed video of Hitler. Despite their separate negative connotations, the combination is classic.

Black Swan: 'Don't give a debt junkie more debt'

Brian Hicks
Posted June 10, 2010

A look at Black Swan author, Nassim Taleb's assessment of both the US and international debt.

Profit from Natural Gas Price Cycles

Brian Hicks
Posted June 9, 2010

Wealth Daily Publisher Brian Hicks explains why now is the time to buy natural gas and nat gas stocks as we head into the summer months.

The $19.6 Trillion Debt Bomb

Brian Hicks
Posted June 9, 2010

US debt is expected to rise to unprecedented levels, but experts see more in the future. The time to pay up is coming.

BP Oil Spill Boosts Nuclear Power

Brian Hicks
Posted June 8, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the BP oil spill and explains why nuclear power will benefit in the long run.