Wealth Daily Articles


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Baby Boomers Take a Back Seat in The Great Recession

Brian Hicks
Posted March 5, 2010

More than 4 million baby boomers are unemployed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For many, retirement at 65 is no longer an option.

George Soros Bets on Gold

Brian Hicks
Posted March 5, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Greg McCoach comments on investment guru George Soros' recent move to double down on gold, and why his hedge fund is doing the same...

Harry Reid: "Only" 36,000 Lost their Jobs

Brian Hicks
Posted March 5, 2010

To say that "only" 36,000 people lost their jobs is a good thing is pathetic. Take a look at Harry Reid on the Hill floor.

Underwater Homes Trap Borrowers into Higher Rates

Brian Hicks
Posted March 4, 2010

According to the Mortgage Banker's Association, U.S. residential mortgage originations will plunge 40 percent this year to the lowest level in a decade, and the reasons for this are simple.

Warren Buffett's Annual Letter to Shareholders

Brian Hicks
Posted March 4, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at Warren Buffett's Annual Letter to Shareholders and points out the highlights.

Lihir Gold Expects Increased Production

Luke Burgess
Posted March 4, 2010

Mid-Tier gold producer Lihir Gold reported production targets for the company's mines for the next decade, highlighting plans for significant increases in gold output.

Obama Wants to Spend Your Retirement Money

Brian Hicks
Posted March 3, 2010

Wealth Daily Publisher Brian Hicks shares his thoughts on what he believes to be government plans to reform individual retirement plans, and why you should make as much money as you can now.

China's 2012 Crisis

Brian Hicks
Posted March 3, 2010

Enormous amount of hidden borrowing may translate to incredible debt for China.

Dendreon: A Future Buyout Candidate?

Brian Hicks
Posted March 2, 2010

The rumor mill is spinning and a buyout may be on the horizon for Dendreon. FDA approvals could mean potential profits for a buyer.

A New Perspective on Stock Market Strategy

Nick Hodge
Posted March 2, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Nick Hodge discusses new perspectives on stock market strategy after a recent fishing trip to the Gulf of Mexico.

Copper Prices Jump after Earthquake in Chile

Luke Burgess
Posted March 1, 2010

Copper prices jumped and mining shares surged today as the market absorbed the weekend's 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile, the world's largest producer.

Tellabs and the Smart Phone Tsunami

Brian Hicks
Posted March 1, 2010

Wealth Daily Analyst Adam Sharp tells readers why TLAB is his first pick for a stock in an age where the smart phone is pushing wireless networks to the breaking point...