Wealth Daily Articles


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Lihir Gold Joins the 1 Million Ounce Club

Luke Burgess
Posted January 30, 2010

Lihir Gold finishes 2009 with record gold production, with output exceeding one million ounces for the first time in the company's history.

Apple iPad Hype

Brian Hicks
Posted January 30, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper takes a look back at the financial week that was, and explains why you might want to buy Apple for the long term.

5.7 % GDP Fails to Boost the Markets

Brian Hicks
Posted January 29, 2010

Following a decent number, the markets have basically yawned again—as in "What's next?"... even though the economy did grow faster than expected at the end of last year.

Nixing Social Policy Would Rally the Stock Markets

Brian Hicks
Posted January 29, 2010

Wealth Daily Publisher Brian Hicks shares why recent media commentary from the left regarding Obama's first year in the Oval Office is making him giddy.

2010 Commercial Real Estate Forecast

Brian Hicks
Posted January 28, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the commercial real estate forecast and explains why the sector will sink into 2012.

5 Reasons The iPad Will Fail

Brian Hicks
Posted January 28, 2010

Steve Jobs calls Apple's new iPad "magical" and "amazing". But it's a niche product, at best.

The Boom Bust Rap Anthem

Brian Hicks
Posted January 27, 2010

A Keynes vs Hayek throwdown. This video is too good not share. And remember, a consumption based bubble is nothing more than a fools errand.

China's Huge Oil Demand

Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 27, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Christian DeHaemer describes China's buying up of global oil assets while Obama watches from the sidelines, and reveals what the Middle Kingdom will buy next...

Platinum, Palladium Surge to 18-Month Highs

Luke Burgess
Posted January 27, 2010

Platinum and palladium prices climbed to 18-month highs this week, boosted by demand from two newly launched ETFs.

Case-Shiller Home Price Index Points to a Double Dip

Brian Hicks
Posted January 26, 2010

Just when you thought the real estate market was showing signs of a recovery, reality rears its ugly head. A look at more falling home prices.

The Next "Peak" Trade...

Brian Hicks
Posted January 26, 2010

We remain long with all open positions, especially our long-term rare earth trades, as reports say global supplies of rare earth could be wiped out by 2012. It's China's move now.

Record High Foreclosures and Option ARM Resets

Brian Hicks
Posted January 26, 2010

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper explains why mounting foreclosures may be a good thing for smart investors as well as option ARM resets.