Wealth Daily Articles


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Wealth Daily's 2010 Stock Market Forecast

Brian Hicks
Posted December 19, 2009

Wealth Daily's Ian Cooper takes a look back at the past year and offers differing editor opinions on what 2010 holds for smart investors.

Industrial Gold Demand

Brian Hicks
Posted December 18, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Greg McCoach discusses new industrial applications for gold in the global autocatalyst market and how traditional catalyst metals like platinum and palladium might be affected.

Default Problems Move Up The Ladder

Brian Hicks
Posted December 18, 2009

As defaults on the biggest mortgages rise, borrowers are turning to short sales to exit loans that now are larger than the market value of the house.

Regenerative Medicine Companies

Brian Hicks
Posted December 17, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ explores investing in regenerative medicine and explains why this radical field is likely the next "big thing" for the medical world and investors alike.

This Crash is Far From Over...

Brian Hicks
Posted December 17, 2009

We're not overly pessimistic on the economy, but do yourself a favor, when housing bulls, for example, tell you all is fine, ignore them. What we see in the future.

Time Calls Bernanke "The Most Powerful Nerd on the Planet"

Brian Hicks
Posted December 16, 2009

Time magazine names Bernanke the person of the year. While, that's great news for him, the economy he's behind doesn't seem so wonderful.

Crisis Investing

Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 16, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Christian DeHaemer explains why crisis investing is the only sure way to profit from the stock market.

Jim Rogers: " We don't have any bullets left"

Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2009

Last Friday, legendary investor Jim Rogers sat down with CNBC's Maria Bartiromo to discuss, currencies, commodities and his long term market outlook. Take a look at the video.

How Flexible Spending Accounts Push Drugstore.com Stock

Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper takes a look at flexible spending accounts and how the rush to spend before year's end affects drugstore-related stocks.

Is the Recession Over or Not?

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2009

With the lack of consensus over the recession in the Obama camp, the public is left wondering if government even knows what's going on.

Exxon (NYSE: XOM) Goes Unconventional, Gobbles Up XTO Energy (NYSE: XTO)

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2009

Rockefeller's brainchild, Exxon Mobil Corp (NYSE: XOM), returned in part to its Pennsylvania roots this morning with the purchase of XTO Energy Inc. (NYSE: XTO ) for $41 billion.

Oil Prices: Forecast and Trends

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins debunks the tired, old logic that the dollar and oil have to move against each other.