Wealth Daily Articles


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Meredith Whitney: "This is the most bearish I've been in a year"

Brian Hicks
Posted November 17, 2009

Here's the Meredith Whitney interview from CNBC yesterday that has Jim Cramer so upset. More from the common sense department.

The Outlook for Lithium Production

Brian Hicks
Posted November 17, 2009

Wealth Daily's Ian Cooper revisits the lithium production boom and talks about another little-known element that could literally change the world.

Crisis Investing in Brazil

Brian Hicks
Posted November 16, 2009

International Editor Sam Hopkins runs down a crisis investor's dream scenario in Brazil's energy market.

Ron Paul: Outlaw Fractional Reserve Lending

Brian Hicks
Posted November 16, 2009

Here is another great video from congressman Ron Paul. Here he is on Squawk Box, telling it like it is, and speaking out against the fed.

Cash-Rich Companies

Brian Hicks
Posted November 15, 2009

Wealth Daily's Ian Cooper takes a look back at the week that was, and provides a group of cash-rich companies that could be on the prowl.

FHA Approaches The Point of No Return

Brian Hicks
Posted November 13, 2009

The FHA is expecting defaults on 24% of all loans insured in 2007, and 20% of those backed in 2008. Bailouts are on the horizon again for the agency.

Alaska Gold Mining Stocks

Luke Burgess
Posted November 13, 2009

Weal Daily Editor Luke Burgess discusses how investors can profit from Alaskan gold mining stocks.

Fibonacci Retracement

Brian Hicks
Posted November 12, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ explains Fibonacci numbers and how a 61.8% retracement would take the Dow to 11,000.

Chanos: The "cracking of state and local municipalities is coming"

Brian Hicks
Posted November 12, 2009

State and local municipal finance are a mess and going to get worse and given enough time, some of them will be certainly be the next up begging for a bailout.

China's Gold Reserves

Brian Hicks
Posted November 12, 2009

Commodity investors are watching China's every move, searching for a clue about if/when they will buy more gold.

Commercial Real Estate a Big Problem Mack Says

Brian Hicks
Posted November 11, 2009

Somewhere between "an orderly massacre and a disaster"...

Peak Oil Reality

Brian Hicks
Posted November 11, 2009

Wealth Daily Publisher Brian Hicks comments on a recent news article that sent shock waves through the energy sector, edging the theory of peak oil ever closer to reality.