Wealth Daily Articles


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Falling Gold Production

Luke Burgess
Posted October 2, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Luke Burgess discusses how the global financial crisis will help push gold prices higher in the long term.

The Real Unemployment Rate is 17%

Brian Hicks
Posted October 2, 2009

While the government says unemployment is under 10%, the real rate is closer to 17%. A look at another foreboding job report.

The Cash-for-Clunkers Hangover

Brian Hicks
Posted October 1, 2009

Was it really a good idea to reward people with $4500 for simply having a lousy old car? Not only are the auto companies going broke, the government might be too.

The Housing Market Bottom

Brian Hicks
Posted October 1, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the Case-Shiller Home Price Index and explains why the housing bottom is more elusive than the bulls think.

Jim Grant on the U.S. Economy

Brian Hicks
Posted September 30, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Brian Hicks comments on the recent opinions of Jim Grant regarding a coming economic recovery.

Is the Recovery Starting to Stall?

Brian Hicks
Posted September 30, 2009

Market numbers were bad enough to give the green shoots crowd something to ponder, since the recovery is starting to stall.

Trading a Single Stock

Nick Hodge
Posted September 29, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Nick Hodge discusses how to trade a single stock consistently for profit and shares the stock he traded over 8 times in less than a year.

Case-Shiller Index Drops 13.3%, Bulls Cheer the "Advance"

Brian Hicks
Posted September 29, 2009

According to the latest figures from the Case-Shiller Home Price Index, seasonally adjusted home prices rose again in July. However, beneath the cheery headlines there was this downer....

Frontier Markets ETF

Brian Hicks
Posted September 28, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins takes a look at the best way to invest in frontier market etfs where few Wall Street pundits would even think to look.

Economic Recovery in Doubt

Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper takes a look back at the week in investing, and why a recovery may be farther off than first thought.

World Gold Panic

Luke Burgess
Posted September 25, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Luke Burgess urges investors to buy gold to profit from the next major move in prices.

A123 Systems Goes Public As (Nasdaq: AONE)

Brian Hicks
Posted September 25, 2009

Who said the IPO market was dead. Shares of A123 Systems, one of just a handful of U.S.-based makers of batteries for electric cars, debuted sharply higher from their offering price Thursday as...